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[Gnash-commit] /srv/bzr/gnash/trunk r11036: migrated the XML document to

From: Ben Limmer
Subject: [Gnash-commit] /srv/bzr/gnash/trunk r11036: migrated the XML document to new namespace (still working on bug in testcase)
Date: Mon, 08 Jun 2009 10:10:02 -0600
User-agent: Bazaar (1.13.1)

revno: 11036
committer: Ben Limmer <address@hidden>
branch nick: trunk
timestamp: Mon 2009-06-08 10:10:02 -0600
  migrated the XML document to new namespace (still working on bug in testcase)
    revno: 11004.2.1
    committer: Ben Limmer <address@hidden>
    branch nick: branch_4
    timestamp: Mon 2009-06-08 10:08:56 -0600
      migrated the XML document to new namespace (still working on bug in 
=== modified file 'libcore/ClassHierarchy.cpp'
--- a/libcore/ClassHierarchy.cpp        2009-06-05 20:31:43 +0000
+++ b/libcore/ClassHierarchy.cpp        2009-06-08 16:10:02 +0000
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
 #include "ClassHierarchy.h"
 #include "builtin_function.h"
 #include "XMLSocket_as.h"
-#include "XML_as.h"
+#include "xml/XMLDocument_as.h"
 #include "xml/XMLNode_as.h"
 #include "asClass.h"
 #include "flash/text/TextFieldAutoSize_as.h"
@@ -304,7 +304,7 @@
        { xmlsocket_class_init, NSV::CLASS_XMLSOCKET, NSV::CLASS_OBJECT,
         NSV::NS_FLASH_NET, 5 },
        { Date_as::init, NSV::CLASS_DATE, NSV::CLASS_OBJECT, NS_GLOBAL, 5 },
-       { XML_as::init, NSV::CLASS_XML, NSV::CLASS_OBJECT, NS_GLOBAL, 5 },
+       { XMLDocument_as::init, NSV::CLASS_XML, NSV::CLASS_OBJECT, NS_GLOBAL, 5 
        { XMLNode_as::init, NSV::CLASS_XMLNODE, NSV::CLASS_OBJECT,
         NSV::NS_FLASH_XML, 5 },
        { mouse_class_init, NSV::CLASS_MOUSE, NSV::CLASS_OBJECT, 

=== modified file 'libcore/asobj/Global.cpp'
--- a/libcore/asobj/Global.cpp  2009-05-26 14:42:44 +0000
+++ b/libcore/asobj/Global.cpp  2009-06-08 16:08:56 +0000
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
 #include "Number_as.h"
 #include "Object.h"
 #include "Math_as.h"
-#include "XML_as.h"
+#include "flash/xml/XMLDocument_as.h"
 #include "XMLSocket_as.h"
 #include "flash/ui/Mouse_as.h"
 #include "MovieClipLoader.h"
@@ -899,7 +899,7 @@
     // LoadableObject has natives shared between LoadVars and XML, so 
     // should be registered first.
-    XML_as::registerNative(global);
+    XMLDocument_as::registerNative(global);

=== modified file 'libcore/asobj/'
--- a/libcore/asobj/ 2009-06-06 07:02:01 +0000
+++ b/libcore/asobj/ 2009-06-08 16:10:02 +0000
@@ -82,7 +82,6 @@
        TextSnapshot_as.cpp \
        String_as.cpp \
-       XML_as.cpp \
        XMLSocket_as.cpp \
        LoadableObject.cpp \
@@ -116,7 +115,6 @@
        TextFormat_as.h \
        TextSnapshot_as.h \
        String_as.h \
-       XML_as.h \
        XMLSocket_as.h \
        LoadableObject.h \
        Namespace_as.h \

=== modified file 'libcore/asobj/XMLSocket_as.cpp'
--- a/libcore/asobj/XMLSocket_as.cpp    2009-06-03 16:05:40 +0000
+++ b/libcore/asobj/XMLSocket_as.cpp    2009-06-08 16:08:56 +0000
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 #include "GnashSystemFDHeaders.h"
 #include "network.h"
 #include "utility.h"
-#include "XML_as.h"
+#include "xml/XMLDocument_as.h"
 #include "XMLSocket_as.h"
 #include "as_function.h"
 #include "movie_root.h"
@@ -547,7 +547,7 @@
         return as_value();
-    boost::intrusive_ptr<as_object> xml = new XML_as(xmlin);
+    boost::intrusive_ptr<as_object> xml = new XMLDocument_as(xmlin);
     as_value arg(xml.get());
     ptr->callMethod(NSV::PROP_ON_XML, arg);

=== removed file 'libcore/asobj/XML_as.cpp'
--- a/libcore/asobj/XML_as.cpp  2009-06-04 21:48:41 +0000
+++ b/libcore/asobj/XML_as.cpp  1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,985 +0,0 @@
-// xml.cpp:  XML markup language support, for Gnash.
-//   Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-// the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
-// (at your option) any later version.
-// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
-// The XML parsing algorithms are based on swfdec's parsing model.
-#include "gnashconfig.h"
-#include "log.h"
-#include "as_function.h" // for as_function
-#include "fn_call.h"
-#include "LoadableObject.h"
-#include "xml/XMLNode_as.h"
-#include "XML_as.h"
-#include "builtin_function.h"
-#include "VM.h"
-#include "namedStrings.h"
-#include "StringPredicates.h"
-#include <string>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <vector>
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <boost/assign/list_of.hpp>
-#include <boost/algorithm/string/compare.hpp>
-#include <boost/algorithm/string/replace.hpp>
-namespace gnash {
-// Define this to enable verbosity of XML loads
-//#define DEBUG_XML_LOADS 1
-// Define this to enable verbosity of XML parsing
-//#define DEBUG_XML_PARSE 1
-// Forward declarations.
-namespace {
-    as_object* getXMLInterface();
-    void attachXMLInterface(as_object& o);
-    void attachXMLProperties(as_object& o);
-    as_value xml_new(const fn_call& fn);
-    as_value xml_createElement(const fn_call& fn);
-    as_value xml_createTextNode(const fn_call& fn);
-    as_value xml_getBytesLoaded(const fn_call& fn);
-    as_value xml_getBytesTotal(const fn_call& fn);
-    as_value xml_parseXML(const fn_call& fn);
-    as_value xml_ondata(const fn_call& fn);
-    as_value xml_xmlDecl(const fn_call& fn);
-    as_value xml_docTypeDecl(const fn_call& fn);
-    as_value xml_escape(const fn_call& fn);
-    bool textAfterWhitespace(const std::string& xml,
-            std::string::const_iterator& it);
-    bool textMatch(const std::string& xml, std::string::const_iterator& it,
-            const std::string& match, bool advance = true);
-    bool parseNodeWithTerminator(const std::string& xml,
-            std::string::const_iterator& it, const std::string& terminator,
-            std::string& content);
-    :
-    as_object(getXMLInterface()),
-    _loaded(-1), 
-    _status(XML_OK)
-    log_debug(_("Creating XML data at %p"), this);
-    attachXMLProperties(*this);
-// Parse the ASCII XML string into an XMLNode tree
-XML_as::XML_as(const std::string& xml)
-    :
-    as_object(getXMLInterface()),
-    _loaded(-1), 
-    _status(XML_OK)
-    log_debug(_("Creating XML data at %p"), this);
-    parseXML(xml);
-const XML_as::Entities&
-    static Entities entities = boost::assign::map_list_of
-        ("&amp;", "&")
-        ("&quot;", "\"")
-        ("&lt;", "<")
-        ("&gt;", ">")
-        ("&apos;", "'");
-    return entities;
-XML_as::escape(std::string& text)
-    const Entities& ent = getEntities();
-    for (Entities::const_iterator i = ent.begin(), e = ent.end();
-            i != e; ++i)
-    {
-        boost::replace_all(text, i->second, i->first);
-    }
-XML_as::unescape(std::string& text)
-    const Entities& ent = getEntities();
-    for (Entities::const_iterator i = ent.begin(), e = ent.end();
-            i != e; ++i)
-    {
-        boost::replace_all(text, i->first, i->second);
-    }
-XML_as::toString(std::ostream& o, bool encode) const
-    if (!_xmlDecl.empty()) o << _xmlDecl;
-    if (!_docTypeDecl.empty()) o << _docTypeDecl;
-    XMLNode_as::toString(o, encode);
-XML_as::get_member(string_table::key name, as_value *val,
-        string_table::key nsname)
-    if (name == NSV::PROP_STATUS) 
-    {
-        val->set_int(_status);
-        return true;
-    }
-    else if (name == NSV::PROP_LOADED)
-    {
-        if ( _loaded < 0 ) val->set_undefined();
-        else val->set_bool(_loaded);
-        return true;
-    }
-    return as_object::get_member(name, val, nsname);
-XML_as::set_member(string_table::key name, const as_value& val, 
-    string_table::key nsname, bool ifFound)
-    if (name == NSV::PROP_STATUS)
-    {
-        // TODO: this should really be a proper property (see
-        if ( ! val.is_number() )
-        {
-            _status = static_cast<ParseStatus>(
-                    std::numeric_limits<boost::int32_t>::min());
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            unsigned int statusNumber = static_cast<int>(val.to_number());
-            _status = static_cast<ParseStatus>(statusNumber);
-        }
-        return true;
-    }
-    else if (name == NSV::PROP_LOADED)
-    {
-        // TODO: this should really be a proper property
-        bool b = val.to_bool();
-        if ( b ) _loaded = 1;
-        else _loaded = 0;
-        return true;
-    }
-    return as_object::set_member(name, val, nsname, ifFound);
-XML_as::parseAttribute(XMLNode_as* node, const std::string& xml,
-        std::string::const_iterator& it, Attributes& attributes)
-    const std::string terminators("\r\t\n >=");
-    std::string::const_iterator end = std::find_first_of(it, xml.end(),
-            terminators.begin(), terminators.end());
-    if (end == xml.end()) {
-        _status = XML_UNTERMINATED_ELEMENT;
-        return;
-    }
-    std::string name(it, end);
-    if (name.empty()) {
-        _status = XML_UNTERMINATED_ELEMENT;
-        return;
-    }
-    // Point iterator to the DisplayObject after the name.
-    it = end;
-    // Skip any whitespace before the '='. If we reach the end of the string
-    // or don't find an '=', it's a parser error.
-    if (!textAfterWhitespace(xml, it) || *it != '=') {
-        _status = XML_UNTERMINATED_ELEMENT;
-        return;
-    }
-    // Point to the DisplayObject after the '='
-    ++it;
-    // Skip any whitespace. If we reach the end of the string, or don't find
-    // a " or ', it's a parser error.
-    if (!textAfterWhitespace(xml, it) || (*it != '"' && *it != '\'')) {
-        _status = XML_UNTERMINATED_ELEMENT;
-        return;
-    }
-    // Find the end of the attribute, looking for the opening DisplayObject,
-    // as long as it's not escaped. We begin one after the present position,
-    // which should be the opening DisplayObject. We want to remember what the
-    // iterator is pointing to for a while, so don't advance it.
-    end = it;
-    do {
-        ++end;
-        end = std::find(end, xml.end(), *it);
-    } while (end != xml.end() && *(end - 1) == '\\');
-    if (end == xml.end()) {
-        return;
-    }
-    ++it;
-    std::string value(it, end);
-    // Replace entities in the value.
-    unescape(value);
-    //log_debug("adding attribute to node %s: %s, %s", node->nodeName(),
-    //        name, value);
-    // We've already checked that end != xml.end(), so we can advance at 
-    // least once.
-    it = end;
-    // Advance past the last attribute DisplayObject
-    ++it;
-    // Handle namespace. This is set once only for each node, and is also
-    // pushed to the attributes list once.
-    StringNoCaseEqual noCaseCompare;
-    if (noCaseCompare(name, "xmlns") || noCaseCompare(name, "xmlns:")) {
-        if (!node->getNamespaceURI().empty()) return;
-        node->setNamespaceURI(value);
-    }
-    // This ensures values are not inserted twice, which is expected
-    // behaviour
-    attributes.insert(std::make_pair(name, value));
-/// Parse and set the docTypeDecl. This is stored without any validation and
-/// with the same case as in the parsed XML.
-XML_as::parseDocTypeDecl(const std::string& xml,
-        std::string::const_iterator& it)
-    std::string::const_iterator end;
-    std::string::const_iterator current = it; 
-    std::string::size_type count = 1;
-    // Look for angle brackets in the doctype declaration.
-    while (count) {
-        // Find the next closing bracket after the current position.
-        end = std::find(current, xml.end(), '>');
-        if (end == xml.end()) {
-            _status = XML_UNTERMINATED_DOCTYPE_DECL;
-            return;
-        }
-        --count;
-        // Count any opening brackets in between.
-        count += std::count(current, end, '<');
-        current = end;
-        ++current;
-    }
-    const std::string content(it, end);
-    std::ostringstream os;
-    os << '<' << content << '>';
-    _docTypeDecl = os.str();
-    it = end + 1;
-XML_as::parseXMLDecl(const std::string& xml, std::string::const_iterator& it)
-    std::string content;
-    if (!parseNodeWithTerminator(xml, it, "?>", content))
-    {
-        _status = XML_UNTERMINATED_XML_DECL;
-        return;
-    }
-    std::ostringstream os;
-    os << "<" << content << "?>";
-    // This is appended to any xmlDecl already there.
-    _xmlDecl += os.str();
-// The iterator should be pointing to the first char after the '<'
-XML_as::parseTag(XMLNode_as*& node, const std::string& xml,
-    std::string::const_iterator& it)
-    //log_debug("Processing node: %s", node->nodeName());
-    bool closing = (*it == '/');
-    if (closing) ++it;
-    // These are for terminating the tag name, not (necessarily) the tag.
-    const std::string terminators("\r\n\t >");
-    std::string::const_iterator endName = std::find_first_of(it, xml.end(),
-            terminators.begin(), terminators.end());
-    // Check that one of the terminators was found; otherwise it's malformed.
-    if (endName == xml.end()) {
-        _status = XML_UNTERMINATED_ELEMENT;
-        return;
-    }
-    // Knock off the "/>" of a self-closing tag.
-    if (std::equal(endName - 1, endName + 1, "/>")) {
-        // This can leave endName before it, e.g when a self-closing tag is
-        // empty ("</>"). This must be checked before trying to construct
-        // a string!
-        --endName;
-    }
-    // If the tag is empty, the XML counts as malformed. 
-    if (it >= endName) {
-        _status = XML_UNTERMINATED_ELEMENT;
-        return;
-    }
-    std::string tagName(it, endName);
-    if (!closing) {
-        XMLNode_as* childNode = new XMLNode_as;
-        childNode->nodeNameSet(tagName);
-        childNode->nodeTypeSet(Element);
-        //log_debug("created childNode with name %s", childNode->nodeName());
-        // Skip to the end of any whitespace after the tag name
-        it = endName;
-        if (!textAfterWhitespace(xml, it)) {
-            _status = XML_UNTERMINATED_ELEMENT;
-           return;
-        }
-        // Parse any attributes in an opening tag only, stopping at "/>" or
-        // '>'
-        // Attributes are added in reverse order and without any duplicates.
-        Attributes attributes;
-        while (it != xml.end() && *it != '>' && _status == XML_OK)
-        {
-            if (xml.end() - it > 1 && std::equal(it, it + 2, "/>")) break;
-            // This advances the iterator
-            parseAttribute(childNode, xml, it, attributes);
-            // Skip any whitespace. If we reach the end of the string,
-            // it's malformed.
-            if (!textAfterWhitespace(xml, it)) {
-                _status = XML_UNTERMINATED_ELEMENT;
-                return;
-            }
-        }
-        // Do nothing more if there was an error in attributes parsing.
-        if (_status != XML_OK) return;
-        for (Attributes::const_reverse_iterator i = attributes.rbegin(),
-                e = attributes.rend(); i != e; ++i) {
-            childNode->setAttribute(i->first, i->second);
-        }
-        node->appendChild(childNode);
-        if (*it == '/') ++it;
-        else node = childNode;
-        if (*it == '>') ++it;
-        return;
-    }
-    // If we reach here, this is a closing tag.
-    it = std::find(endName, xml.end(), '>');
-    if (it == xml.end())
-    {
-       return;
-    }
-    ++it;
-    StringNoCaseEqual noCaseCompare;
-    if (node->getParent() && noCaseCompare(node->nodeName(), tagName)) {
-        node = node->getParent();
-    }
-    else {
-        // Malformed. Search for the parent node.
-        XMLNode_as* s = node;
-        while (s && !noCaseCompare(s->nodeName(), tagName)) {
-            //log_debug("parent: %s, this: %s", s->nodeName(), tagName);
-            s = s->getParent();
-        }
-        if (s) {
-            // If there's a parent, the open tag is orphaned.
-            _status = XML_MISSING_CLOSE_TAG;
-        }
-        else {
-            // If no parent, the close tag is orphaned.
-            _status = XML_MISSING_OPEN_TAG;
-        }
-    }
-XML_as::parseText(XMLNode_as* node, const std::string& xml, 
-        std::string::const_iterator& it)
-    std::string::const_iterator end = std::find(it, xml.end(), '<');
-    std::string content(it, end);
-    it = end;
-    if (ignoreWhite() && 
-        content.find_first_not_of("\t\r\n ") == std::string::npos) return;
-    XMLNode_as* childNode = new XMLNode_as;
-    childNode->nodeTypeSet(XMLNode_as::Text);
-    // Replace any entitites.
-    unescape(content);
-    childNode->nodeValueSet(content);
-    node->appendChild(childNode);
-    //log_debug("appended text node: %s", content);
-XML_as::parseComment(XMLNode_as* /*node*/, const std::string& xml, 
-        std::string::const_iterator& it)
-    //log_debug("discarding comment node");
-    std::string content;
-    if (!parseNodeWithTerminator(xml, it, "-->", content)) {
-        _status = XML_UNTERMINATED_COMMENT;
-        return;
-    }
-    // Comments are discarded at least up to SWF8
-XML_as::parseCData(XMLNode_as* node, const std::string& xml, 
-        std::string::const_iterator& it)
-    std::string content;
-    if (!parseNodeWithTerminator(xml, it, "]]>", content)) {
-        _status = XML_UNTERMINATED_CDATA;
-        return;
-    }
-    XMLNode_as* childNode = new XMLNode_as;
-    childNode->nodeValueSet(content);
-    childNode->nodeTypeSet(Text);
-    node->appendChild(childNode);
-// This parses an XML string into a tree of XMLNodes.
-XML_as::parseXML(const std::string& xml)
-    if (xml.empty())
-    {
-        log_error(_("XML data is empty"));
-        return;
-    }
-    // Clear current data
-    clear(); 
-    _status = XML_OK;
-    std::string::const_iterator it = xml.begin();
-    XMLNode_as* node = this;
-    while (it != xml.end() && _status == XML_OK)
-    {
-        if (*it == '<')
-        {
-            ++it;
-            if (textMatch(xml, it, "!DOCTYPE", false))
-            {
-                // We should not advance past the DOCTYPE label, as
-                // the case is preserved.
-                parseDocTypeDecl(xml, it);
-            }
-            else if (textMatch(xml, it, "?xml", false))
-            {
-                // We should not advance past the xml label, as
-                // the case is preserved.
-                parseXMLDecl(xml, it);
-            }
-            else if (textMatch(xml, it, "!--"))
-            {
-                parseComment(node, xml, it);
-            }
-            else if (textMatch(xml, it, "![CDATA["))
-            {
-                parseCData(node, xml, it);
-            }
-            else parseTag(node, xml, it);
-        }
-        else parseText(node, xml, it);
-    }
-    // If everything parsed correctly, check that we've got back to the
-    // parent node. If not, there is a missing closing tag.
-    if (_status == XML_OK && node != this) {
-        _status = XML_MISSING_CLOSE_TAG;
-    }
-    log_debug(_("%s: FIXME: onLoad Default event handler"), __FUNCTION__);
-    return(_loaded);
-    // TODO: should set childs's parent to NULL ?
-    _children.clear();
-    _docTypeDecl.clear();
-    _xmlDecl.clear();
-XML_as::ignoreWhite() const
-    string_table::key propnamekey = _vm.getStringTable().find("ignoreWhite");
-    as_value val;
-    if (!const_cast<XML_as*>(this)->get_member(propnamekey, &val)) {
-        return false;
-    }
-    return val.to_bool();
-// extern (used by Global.cpp)
-XML_as::init(as_object& global)
-    static boost::intrusive_ptr<builtin_function> cl;
-    if ( cl == NULL )
-    {
-        cl=new builtin_function(&xml_new, getXMLInterface());
-    }
-    global.init_member("XML", cl.get());
-XML_as::registerNative(as_object& global)
-    VM& vm = global.getVM();
-    vm.registerNative(xml_escape, 100, 5);
-    vm.registerNative(xml_createElement, 253, 8);
-    vm.registerNative(xml_createTextNode, 253, 9);
-    vm.registerNative(xml_parseXML, 253, 10);
-/// XML object AS interface.
-namespace {
-attachXMLProperties(as_object& /*o*/)
-    // if we use a proper member here hasOwnProperty() would return true
-    // but we want it to return false instead. See
-    //o.init_member("status", as_value(XML::sOK));
-attachXMLInterface(as_object& o)
-    VM& vm = o.getVM();
-    const int flags = 0;
-    // No flags:
-    o.init_member("addRequestHeader", new builtin_function(
-                LoadableObject::loadableobject_addRequestHeader), flags);
-    o.init_member("createElement", vm.getNative(253, 8), flags);
-    o.init_member("createTextNode", vm.getNative(253, 9), flags);
-    o.init_member("getBytesLoaded", 
-            new builtin_function(xml_getBytesLoaded), flags);
-    o.init_member("getBytesTotal", 
-            new builtin_function(xml_getBytesTotal), flags);
-    o.init_member("load", vm.getNative(301, 0), flags);
-    o.init_member("parseXML", vm.getNative(253, 10), flags); 
-    o.init_member("send", vm.getNative(301, 1), flags);
-    o.init_member("sendAndLoad", vm.getNative(301, 2), flags);
-    o.init_member("onData", new builtin_function(xml_ondata), flags);
-    o.init_property("xmlDecl", &xml_xmlDecl, &xml_xmlDecl, flags);
-    o.init_property("docTypeDecl", &xml_docTypeDecl, &xml_docTypeDecl, flags);
-    static boost::intrusive_ptr<as_object> o;
-    if ( o == NULL )
-    {
-        o = new as_object(XMLNode_as::getXMLNodeInterface());
-        VM::get().addStatic(o.get());
-        attachXMLInterface(*o);
-    }
-    return o.get();
-xml_new(const fn_call& fn)
-    boost::intrusive_ptr<XML_as> xml_obj;
-    if ( fn.nargs > 0 )
-    {
-        if ( fn.arg(0).is_object() )
-        {
-            boost::intrusive_ptr<as_object> obj = fn.arg(0).to_object();
-            xml_obj = dynamic_cast<XML_as*>(obj.get());
-            if ( xml_obj )
-            {
-                log_debug(_("Cloned the XML object at %p"),
-                       (void *)xml_obj.get());
-                return as_value(xml_obj->cloneNode(true).get());
-            }
-        }
-        const std::string& xml_in = fn.arg(0).to_string();
-        if ( xml_in.empty() )
-        {
-            log_aserror(_("First arg given to XML constructor (%s) "
-                    "evaluates to the empty string"), fn.arg(0));
-            );
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            xml_obj = new XML_as(xml_in);
-            return as_value(xml_obj.get());
-        }
-    }
-    xml_obj = new XML_as;
-    return as_value(xml_obj.get());
-/// Only available as ASnative.
-xml_escape(const fn_call& fn)
-    if (!fn.nargs) return as_value();
-    std::string escaped = fn.arg(0).to_string();
-    XML_as::escape(escaped);
-    return as_value(escaped);
-/// \brief create a new XML element
-/// Method; creates a new XML element with the name specified in the
-/// parameter. The new element initially has no parent, no children,
-/// and no siblings. The method returns a reference to the newly
-/// created XML object that represents the element. This method and
-/// the XML.createTextNode() method are the constructor methods for
-/// creating nodes for an XML object. 
-xml_createElement(const fn_call& fn)
-    if (fn.nargs > 0)
-    {
-        const std::string& text = fn.arg(0).to_string();
-        XMLNode_as *xml_obj = new XMLNode_as;
-        xml_obj->nodeNameSet(text);
-        xml_obj->nodeTypeSet(XMLNode_as::Text);
-        return as_value(xml_obj);
-    }
-    else {
-        log_error(_("no text for element creation"));
-    }
-    return as_value();
-/// \brief Create a new XML node
-/// Method; creates a new XML text node with the specified text. The
-/// new node initially has no parent, and text nodes cannot have
-/// children or siblings. This method returns a reference to the XML
-/// object that represents the new text node. This method and the
-/// XML.createElement() method are the constructor methods for
-/// creating nodes for an XML object.
-xml_createTextNode(const fn_call& fn)
-    if (fn.nargs > 0) {
-        const std::string& text = fn.arg(0).to_string();
-        XMLNode_as* xml_obj = new XMLNode_as;
-        xml_obj->nodeValueSet(text);
-        xml_obj->nodeTypeSet(XMLNode_as::Text);
-        return as_value(xml_obj);
-    }
-    else {
-        log_error(_("no text for text node creation"));
-    }
-    return as_value();
-xml_getBytesLoaded(const fn_call& fn)
-    boost::intrusive_ptr<XML_as> ptr = ensureType<XML_as>(fn.this_ptr);
-    long int ret = ptr->getBytesLoaded();
-    if ( ret < 0 ) return as_value();
-    else return as_value(ret);
-xml_getBytesTotal(const fn_call& fn)
-    boost::intrusive_ptr<XML_as> ptr = ensureType<XML_as>(fn.this_ptr);
-    long int ret = ptr->getBytesTotal();
-    if ( ret < 0 ) return as_value();
-    else return as_value(ret);
-xml_parseXML(const fn_call& fn)
-    boost::intrusive_ptr<XML_as> ptr = ensureType<XML_as>(fn.this_ptr);
-    if (fn.nargs < 1)
-    {
-            log_aserror("XML.parseXML() needs one argument");
-        );
-        return as_value();
-    }
-    const std::string& text = fn.arg(0).to_string();
-    ptr->parseXML(text);
-    return as_value();
-xml_xmlDecl(const fn_call& fn)
-    boost::intrusive_ptr<XML_as> ptr = ensureType<XML_as>(fn.this_ptr);
-    if (!fn.nargs)
-    {
-        // Getter
-        const std::string& xml = ptr->getXMLDecl();
-        if (xml.empty()) return as_value();
-        return as_value(xml);
-    }
-    // Setter
-    const std::string& xml = fn.arg(0).to_string();
-    ptr->setDocTypeDecl(xml);
-    return as_value();
-xml_docTypeDecl(const fn_call& fn)
-    boost::intrusive_ptr<XML_as> ptr = ensureType<XML_as>(fn.this_ptr);
-    if (!fn.nargs)
-    {
-        // Getter
-        const std::string& docType = ptr->getDocTypeDecl();
-        if (docType.empty()) return as_value();
-        return as_value(docType);
-    }
-    // Setter
-    const std::string& docType = fn.arg(0).to_string();
-    ptr->setDocTypeDecl(docType);
-    return as_value();
-xml_ondata(const fn_call& fn)
-    as_object* thisPtr = fn.this_ptr.get();
-    assert(thisPtr);
-    // See;
-    // a=blob;f=libswfdec/
-    as_value src;
-    if (fn.nargs) src = fn.arg(0);
-    if (!src.is_undefined()) {
-        thisPtr->set_member(NSV::PROP_LOADED, true);
-        thisPtr->callMethod(NSV::PROP_PARSE_XML, src);
-        thisPtr->callMethod(NSV::PROP_ON_LOAD, true);
-    }
-    else {
-        thisPtr->set_member(NSV::PROP_LOADED, false);
-        thisPtr->callMethod(NSV::PROP_ON_LOAD, false);
-    }
-    return as_value();
-/// Case insensitive match of a string, returning false if there too few
-/// DisplayObjects left or if there is no match. If there is a match, and 
-/// is not false, the iterator points to the DisplayObject after the match.
-textMatch(const std::string& xml, std::string::const_iterator& it,
-        const std::string& match, bool advance)
-    const std::string::size_type len = match.length();
-    const std::string::const_iterator end = xml.end();
-    if (static_cast<size_t>(end - it) < len) return false;
-    if (!std::equal(it, it + len, match.begin(), boost::is_iequal())) {
-        return false;
-    }
-    if (advance) it += len;
-    return true;
-/// Advance past whitespace
-/// @return true if there is text after the whitespace, false if we 
-///         reach the end of the string.
-textAfterWhitespace(const std::string& xml, std::string::const_iterator& it)
-    const std::string whitespace("\r\t\n ");
-    while (it != xml.end() && whitespace.find(*it) != std::string::npos) ++it;
-    return (it != xml.end());
-/// Parse a complete node up to a specified terminator.
-/// @return     false if we reach the end of the text before finding the
-///             terminator.
-/// @param it   The current position of the iterator. If the return is true,
-///             this points to the first DisplayObject after the terminator 
-///             after return
-/// @param content  If the return is true, this is filled with the content of
-///                 the tag.
-/// @param xml      The complete XML string.
-parseNodeWithTerminator(const std::string& xml,
-        std::string::const_iterator& it, const std::string& terminator,
-        std::string& content)
-    std::string::const_iterator end = std::search(it, xml.end(),
-            terminator.begin(), terminator.end());
-    if (end == xml.end()) {
-        return false;
-    }
-    content = std::string(it, end);
-    it = end + terminator.length();
-    return true;
-} // anonymous namespace
-} // end of gnash namespace
-// Local Variables:
-// mode: C++
-// indent-tabs-mode: t
-// End:

=== removed file 'libcore/asobj/XML_as.h'
--- a/libcore/asobj/XML_as.h    2009-06-04 21:48:41 +0000
+++ b/libcore/asobj/XML_as.h    1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,191 +0,0 @@
-//   Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-// the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
-// (at your option) any later version.
-// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
-#include "LoadableObject.h"
-#include "xml/XMLNode_as.h"
-#include "log.h"
-#include "dsodefs.h"
-#include "StringPredicates.h"
-#include <map>
-#include <string>
-namespace gnash {
-// Forward declarations
-class fn_call;
-class URL;
-class LoaderThread;
-/// XML class and ActionScript object
-class XML_as : public XMLNode_as, public LoadableObject
-    enum ParseStatus {
-            XML_OK = 0,
-            XML_UNTERMINATED_CDATA = -2,
-            XML_UNTERMINATED_XML_DECL = -3,
-            XML_OUT_OF_MEMORY = -7,
-            XML_MISSING_CLOSE_TAG = -9,
-            XML_MISSING_OPEN_TAG = -10
-    };
-    XML_as();
-    XML_as(const std::string& xml);
-    ~XML_as() {};
-    static void init(as_object& global);
-    static void registerNative(as_object& global);
-    /// Convert the XML object to a string
-    //
-    /// This calls XMLNode::toString after adding an xmlDecl and
-    /// docTypeDecl
-    //
-    /// @param o        The ostream to write the string to.
-    /// @param encode   Whether to URL encode the node values.
-    void toString(std::ostream& o, bool encode) const;
-    const std::string& getXMLDecl() const {
-        return _xmlDecl;
-    }
-    void setXMLDecl(const std::string& xml) {
-        _xmlDecl = xml;
-    }
-    const std::string& getDocTypeDecl() const {
-        return _docTypeDecl;
-    }
-    void setDocTypeDecl(const std::string& docType) {
-        _docTypeDecl = docType;
-    }
-    /// This is overridden to provide the 'status' and 'loaded' members,
-    /// which are NOT proper properties !
-    /// See actionscript.all/
-    ///
-    bool get_member(string_table::key name, as_value *val,
-               string_table::key nsname = 0);
-    /// This is overridden to provide the 'status' and 'loaded' members,
-    /// which are NOT proper properties !
-    /// See actionscript.all/
-    ///
-    bool set_member(string_table::key name, const as_value& val,
-                string_table::key nsname = 0, bool ifFound=false);
-    // Methods
-    /// Parses an XML document into the specified XML object tree.
-    //
-    /// This reads in an XML file from disk and parses into into a memory
-    /// resident tree which can be walked through later.
-    ///
-    /// Calls to this function clear any precedently parsed data.
-    ///
-    void parseXML(const std::string& xml);
-    // An event handler that returns a what?
-    bool onLoad();
-    /// Escape using XML entities.
-    //
-    /// Note this is not the same as a URL escape.
-    static void escape(std::string& text);
-    /// Unescape XML entities.
-    //
-    /// Note this is not the same as a URL unescape.
-    static void unescape(std::string& text);
-    XMLNode_as* createElement(const std::string& name);
-    XMLNode_as* createTextNode(const std::string& name);
-    typedef std::map<std::string, std::string> Entities;
-    static const Entities& getEntities();
-    typedef std::map<std::string, std::string, StringNoCaseLessThan> 
-    void parseTag(XMLNode_as*& node, const std::string& xml, 
-            std::string::const_iterator& it);
-    void parseAttribute(XMLNode_as* node, const std::string& xml, 
-            std::string::const_iterator& it, Attributes& attributes);
-    void parseDocTypeDecl(const std::string& xml, 
-            std::string::const_iterator& it);
-    void parseText(XMLNode_as* node, const std::string& xml, 
-            std::string::const_iterator& it);
-    void parseXMLDecl(const std::string& xml, 
-            std::string::const_iterator& it);
-    void parseComment(XMLNode_as* node, const std::string& xml, 
-            std::string::const_iterator& it);
-    void parseCData(XMLNode_as* node, const std::string& xml, 
-            std::string::const_iterator& it);
-    /// Remove all children
-    void clear();
-    /// \brief
-    /// Return true if ignoreWhite property was set to anything evaluating
-    /// to true.
-    bool ignoreWhite() const;
-    // -1 if never asked to load anything
-    //  0 if asked to load but not yet loaded (or failure)
-    //  1 if successfully loaded
-    int _loaded;
-    ParseStatus _status;       
-    std::string _docTypeDecl;
-    std::string _xmlDecl;
-}      // namespace gnash
-// Local Variables:
-// mode: C++
-// indent-tabs-mode: t
-// End:

=== modified file 'libcore/asobj/flash/xml/XMLDocument_as.cpp'
--- a/libcore/asobj/flash/xml/XMLDocument_as.cpp        2009-05-28 17:11:03 
+++ b/libcore/asobj/flash/xml/XMLDocument_as.cpp        2009-06-08 16:08:56 
@@ -21,107 +21,953 @@
 #include "gnashconfig.h"
-#include "xml/XMLDocument_as.h"
 #include "log.h"
+#include "as_function.h" //for as_function
 #include "fn_call.h"
+#include "LoadableObject.h"
+#include "xml/XMLNode_as.h"
+#include "xml/XMLDocument_as.h"
+#include "builtin_function.h"
+#include "VM.h"
+#include "namedStrings.h"
+#include "StringPredicates.h"
 #include "smart_ptr.h" // for boost intrusive_ptr
-#include "builtin_function.h" // need builtin_function
 #include "GnashException.h" // for ActionException
+#include <string>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <vector>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <boost/assign/list_of.hpp>
+#include <boost/algorithm/string/compare.hpp>
+#include <boost/algorithm/string/replace.hpp>
 namespace gnash {
 // Forward declarations
 namespace {
-    as_value xmldocument_createTextNode(const fn_call& fn);
-    as_value xmldocument_parseXML(const fn_call& fn);
-    as_value xmldocument_toString(const fn_call& fn);
+    as_object* getXMLInterface();
+       void attachXMLInterface(as_object& o);
+       void attachXMLProperties(as_object& o);
+       //left as xml to not break everything else (these exist in AS2&3)
+    as_value xml_new(const fn_call& fn);
+    as_value xml_createElement(const fn_call& fn);
+    as_value xml_createTextNode(const fn_call& fn);
+    as_value xml_getBytesLoaded(const fn_call& fn);
+    as_value xml_getBytesTotal(const fn_call& fn);
+    as_value xml_parseXML(const fn_call& fn);
+    as_value xml_ondata(const fn_call& fn);
+    as_value xml_xmlDecl(const fn_call& fn);
+    as_value xml_docTypeDecl(const fn_call& fn);
+    as_value xml_escape(const fn_call& fn);
+    bool textAfterWhitespace(const std::string& xml,
+            std::string::const_iterator& it);
+    bool textMatch(const std::string& xml, std::string::const_iterator& it,
+            const std::string& match, bool advance = true);
+    bool parseNodeWithTerminator(const std::string& xml,
+            std::string::const_iterator& it, const std::string& terminator,
+            std::string& content);
     as_value xmldocument_ctor(const fn_call& fn);
-    void attachXMLDocumentInterface(as_object& o);
-    void attachXMLDocumentStaticInterface(as_object& o);
-    as_object* getXMLDocumentInterface();
-class XMLDocument_as : public as_object
-    XMLDocument_as()
-        :
-        as_object(getXMLDocumentInterface())
-    {}
+    void attachXMLProperties(as_object& /*o*/);
+       void attachXMLInterface(as_object& o);
+    as_object* getXMLInterface();
+    :
+    as_object(getXMLInterface()),
+    _loaded(-1), 
+    _status(XML_OK)
+    log_debug(_("Creating XML data at %p"), this);
+    attachXMLProperties(*this);
+// Parse the ASCII XML string into an XMLNode tree
+XMLDocument_as::XMLDocument_as(const std::string& xml)
+    :
+    as_object(getXMLInterface()),
+    _loaded(-1), 
+    _status(XML_OK)
+    log_debug(_("Creating XML data at %p"), this);
+    parseXML(xml);
+const XMLDocument_as::Entities&
+    static Entities entities = boost::assign::map_list_of
+        ("&amp;", "&")
+        ("&quot;", "\"")
+        ("&lt;", "<")
+        ("&gt;", ">")
+        ("&apos;", "'");
+    return entities;
+XMLDocument_as::escape(std::string& text)
+    const Entities& ent = getEntities();
+    for (Entities::const_iterator i = ent.begin(), e = ent.end();
+            i != e; ++i)
+    {
+        boost::replace_all(text, i->second, i->first);
+    }
+XMLDocument_as::unescape(std::string& text)
+    const Entities& ent = getEntities();
+    for (Entities::const_iterator i = ent.begin(), e = ent.end();
+            i != e; ++i)
+    {
+        boost::replace_all(text, i->first, i->second);
+    }
+XMLDocument_as::toString(std::ostream& o, bool encode) const
+    if (!_xmlDecl.empty()) o << _xmlDecl;
+    if (!_docTypeDecl.empty()) o << _docTypeDecl;
+    XMLNode_as::toString(o, encode);
+XMLDocument_as::get_member(string_table::key name, as_value *val,
+        string_table::key nsname)
+    if (name == NSV::PROP_STATUS) 
+    {
+        val->set_int(_status);
+        return true;
+    }
+    else if (name == NSV::PROP_LOADED)
+    {
+        if ( _loaded < 0 ) val->set_undefined();
+        else val->set_bool(_loaded);
+        return true;
+    }
+    return as_object::get_member(name, val, nsname);
+XMLDocument_as::set_member(string_table::key name, const as_value& val, 
+    string_table::key nsname, bool ifFound)
+    if (name == NSV::PROP_STATUS)
+    {
+        // TODO: this should really be a proper property (see
+        if ( ! val.is_number() )
+        {
+            _status = static_cast<ParseStatus>(
+                    std::numeric_limits<boost::int32_t>::min());
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            unsigned int statusNumber = static_cast<int>(val.to_number());
+            _status = static_cast<ParseStatus>(statusNumber);
+        }
+        return true;
+    }
+    else if (name == NSV::PROP_LOADED)
+    {
+        // TODO: this should really be a proper property
+        bool b = val.to_bool();
+        if ( b ) _loaded = 1;
+        else _loaded = 0;
+        return true;
+    }
+    return as_object::set_member(name, val, nsname, ifFound);
+XMLDocument_as::parseAttribute(XMLNode_as* node, const std::string& xml,
+        std::string::const_iterator& it, Attributes& attributes)
+    const std::string terminators("\r\t\n >=");
+    std::string::const_iterator end = std::find_first_of(it, xml.end(),
+            terminators.begin(), terminators.end());
+    if (end == xml.end()) {
+        _status = XML_UNTERMINATED_ELEMENT;
+        return;
+    }
+    std::string name(it, end);
+    if (name.empty()) {
+        _status = XML_UNTERMINATED_ELEMENT;
+        return;
+    }
+    // Point iterator to the DisplayObject after the name.
+    it = end;
+    // Skip any whitespace before the '='. If we reach the end of the string
+    // or don't find an '=', it's a parser error.
+    if (!textAfterWhitespace(xml, it) || *it != '=') {
+        _status = XML_UNTERMINATED_ELEMENT;
+        return;
+    }
+    // Point to the DisplayObject after the '='
+    ++it;
+    // Skip any whitespace. If we reach the end of the string, or don't find
+    // a " or ', it's a parser error.
+    if (!textAfterWhitespace(xml, it) || (*it != '"' && *it != '\'')) {
+        _status = XML_UNTERMINATED_ELEMENT;
+        return;
+    }
+    // Find the end of the attribute, looking for the opening DisplayObject,
+    // as long as it's not escaped. We begin one after the present position,
+    // which should be the opening DisplayObject. We want to remember what the
+    // iterator is pointing to for a while, so don't advance it.
+    end = it;
+    do {
+        ++end;
+        end = std::find(end, xml.end(), *it);
+    } while (end != xml.end() && *(end - 1) == '\\');
+    if (end == xml.end()) {
+        return;
+    }
+    ++it;
+    std::string value(it, end);
+    // Replace entities in the value.
+    unescape(value);
+    //log_debug("adding attribute to node %s: %s, %s", node->nodeName(),
+    //        name, value);
+    // We've already checked that end != xml.end(), so we can advance at 
+    // least once.
+    it = end;
+    // Advance past the last attribute DisplayObject
+    ++it;
+    // Handle namespace. This is set once only for each node, and is also
+    // pushed to the attributes list once.
+    StringNoCaseEqual noCaseCompare;
+    if (noCaseCompare(name, "xmlns") || noCaseCompare(name, "xmlns:")) {
+        if (!node->getNamespaceURI().empty()) return;
+        node->setNamespaceURI(value);
+    }
+    // This ensures values are not inserted twice, which is expected
+    // behaviour
+    attributes.insert(std::make_pair(name, value));
+/// Parse and set the docTypeDecl. This is stored without any validation and
+/// with the same case as in the parsed XML.
+XMLDocument_as::parseDocTypeDecl(const std::string& xml,
+        std::string::const_iterator& it)
+    std::string::const_iterator end;
+    std::string::const_iterator current = it; 
+    std::string::size_type count = 1;
+    // Look for angle brackets in the doctype declaration.
+    while (count) {
+        // Find the next closing bracket after the current position.
+        end = std::find(current, xml.end(), '>');
+        if (end == xml.end()) {
+            _status = XML_UNTERMINATED_DOCTYPE_DECL;
+            return;
+        }
+        --count;
+        // Count any opening brackets in between.
+        count += std::count(current, end, '<');
+        current = end;
+        ++current;
+    }
+    const std::string content(it, end);
+    std::ostringstream os;
+    os << '<' << content << '>';
+    _docTypeDecl = os.str();
+    it = end + 1;
+XMLDocument_as::parseXMLDecl(const std::string& xml, 
std::string::const_iterator& it)
+    std::string content;
+    if (!parseNodeWithTerminator(xml, it, "?>", content))
+    {
+        _status = XML_UNTERMINATED_XML_DECL;
+        return;
+    }
+    std::ostringstream os;
+    os << "<" << content << "?>";
+    // This is appended to any xmlDecl already there.
+    _xmlDecl += os.str();
+// The iterator should be pointing to the first char after the '<'
+XMLDocument_as::parseTag(XMLNode_as*& node, const std::string& xml,
+    std::string::const_iterator& it)
+    //log_debug("Processing node: %s", node->nodeName());
+    bool closing = (*it == '/');
+    if (closing) ++it;
+    // These are for terminating the tag name, not (necessarily) the tag.
+    const std::string terminators("\r\n\t >");
+    std::string::const_iterator endName = std::find_first_of(it, xml.end(),
+            terminators.begin(), terminators.end());
+    // Check that one of the terminators was found; otherwise it's malformed.
+    if (endName == xml.end()) {
+        _status = XML_UNTERMINATED_ELEMENT;
+        return;
+    }
+    // Knock off the "/>" of a self-closing tag.
+    if (std::equal(endName - 1, endName + 1, "/>")) {
+        // This can leave endName before it, e.g when a self-closing tag is
+        // empty ("</>"). This must be checked before trying to construct
+        // a string!
+        --endName;
+    }
+    // If the tag is empty, the XML counts as malformed. 
+    if (it >= endName) {
+        _status = XML_UNTERMINATED_ELEMENT;
+        return;
+    }
+    std::string tagName(it, endName);
+    if (!closing) {
+        XMLNode_as* childNode = new XMLNode_as;
+        childNode->nodeNameSet(tagName);
+        childNode->nodeTypeSet(Element);
+        //log_debug("created childNode with name %s", childNode->nodeName());
+        // Skip to the end of any whitespace after the tag name
+        it = endName;
+        if (!textAfterWhitespace(xml, it)) {
+            _status = XML_UNTERMINATED_ELEMENT;
+           return;
+        }
+        // Parse any attributes in an opening tag only, stopping at "/>" or
+        // '>'
+        // Attributes are added in reverse order and without any duplicates.
+        Attributes attributes;
+        while (it != xml.end() && *it != '>' && _status == XML_OK)
+        {
+            if (xml.end() - it > 1 && std::equal(it, it + 2, "/>")) break;
+            // This advances the iterator
+            parseAttribute(childNode, xml, it, attributes);
+            // Skip any whitespace. If we reach the end of the string,
+            // it's malformed.
+            if (!textAfterWhitespace(xml, it)) {
+                _status = XML_UNTERMINATED_ELEMENT;
+                return;
+            }
+        }
+        // Do nothing more if there was an error in attributes parsing.
+        if (_status != XML_OK) return;
+        for (Attributes::const_reverse_iterator i = attributes.rbegin(),
+                e = attributes.rend(); i != e; ++i) {
+            childNode->setAttribute(i->first, i->second);
+        }
+        node->appendChild(childNode);
+        if (*it == '/') ++it;
+        else node = childNode;
+        if (*it == '>') ++it;
+        return;
+    }
+    // If we reach here, this is a closing tag.
+    it = std::find(endName, xml.end(), '>');
+    if (it == xml.end())
+    {
+       return;
+    }
+    ++it;
+    StringNoCaseEqual noCaseCompare;
+    if (node->getParent() && noCaseCompare(node->nodeName(), tagName)) {
+        node = node->getParent();
+    }
+    else {
+        // Malformed. Search for the parent node.
+        XMLNode_as* s = node;
+        while (s && !noCaseCompare(s->nodeName(), tagName)) {
+            //log_debug("parent: %s, this: %s", s->nodeName(), tagName);
+            s = s->getParent();
+        }
+        if (s) {
+            // If there's a parent, the open tag is orphaned.
+            _status = XML_MISSING_CLOSE_TAG;
+        }
+        else {
+            // If no parent, the close tag is orphaned.
+            _status = XML_MISSING_OPEN_TAG;
+        }
+    }
+XMLDocument_as::parseText(XMLNode_as* node, const std::string& xml, 
+        std::string::const_iterator& it)
+    std::string::const_iterator end = std::find(it, xml.end(), '<');
+    std::string content(it, end);
+    it = end;
+    if (ignoreWhite() && 
+        content.find_first_not_of("\t\r\n ") == std::string::npos) return;
+    XMLNode_as* childNode = new XMLNode_as;
+    childNode->nodeTypeSet(XMLNode_as::Text);
+    // Replace any entitites.
+    unescape(content);
+    childNode->nodeValueSet(content);
+    node->appendChild(childNode);
+    //log_debug("appended text node: %s", content);
+XMLDocument_as::parseComment(XMLNode_as* /*node*/, const std::string& xml, 
+        std::string::const_iterator& it)
+    //log_debug("discarding comment node");
+    std::string content;
+    if (!parseNodeWithTerminator(xml, it, "-->", content)) {
+        _status = XML_UNTERMINATED_COMMENT;
+        return;
+    }
+    // Comments are discarded at least up to SWF8
+XMLDocument_as::parseCData(XMLNode_as* node, const std::string& xml, 
+        std::string::const_iterator& it)
+    std::string content;
+    if (!parseNodeWithTerminator(xml, it, "]]>", content)) {
+        _status = XML_UNTERMINATED_CDATA;
+        return;
+    }
+    XMLNode_as* childNode = new XMLNode_as;
+    childNode->nodeValueSet(content);
+    childNode->nodeTypeSet(Text);
+    node->appendChild(childNode);
+// This parses an XML string into a tree of XMLNodes.
+XMLDocument_as::parseXML(const std::string& xml)
+    if (xml.empty())
+    {
+        log_error(_("XML data is empty"));
+        return;
+    }
+    // Clear current data
+    clear(); 
+    _status = XML_OK;
+    std::string::const_iterator it = xml.begin();
+    XMLNode_as* node = this;
+    while (it != xml.end() && _status == XML_OK)
+    {
+        if (*it == '<')
+        {
+            ++it;
+            if (textMatch(xml, it, "!DOCTYPE", false))
+            {
+                // We should not advance past the DOCTYPE label, as
+                // the case is preserved.
+                parseDocTypeDecl(xml, it);
+            }
+            else if (textMatch(xml, it, "?xml", false))
+            {
+                // We should not advance past the xml label, as
+                // the case is preserved.
+                parseXMLDecl(xml, it);
+            }
+            else if (textMatch(xml, it, "!--"))
+            {
+                parseComment(node, xml, it);
+            }
+            else if (textMatch(xml, it, "![CDATA["))
+            {
+                parseCData(node, xml, it);
+            }
+            else parseTag(node, xml, it);
+        }
+        else parseText(node, xml, it);
+    }
+    // If everything parsed correctly, check that we've got back to the
+    // parent node. If not, there is a missing closing tag.
+    if (_status == XML_OK && node != this) {
+        _status = XML_MISSING_CLOSE_TAG;
+    }
+    log_debug(_("%s: FIXME: onLoad Default event handler"), __FUNCTION__);
+    return(_loaded);
+    // TODO: should set childs's parent to NULL ?
+    _children.clear();
+    _docTypeDecl.clear();
+    _xmlDecl.clear();
+XMLDocument_as::ignoreWhite() const
+    string_table::key propnamekey = _vm.getStringTable().find("ignoreWhite");
+    as_value val;
+    if (!const_cast<XMLDocument_as*>(this)->get_member(propnamekey, &val)) {
+        return false;
+    }
+    return val.to_bool();
 // extern (used by Global.cpp)
-void xmldocument_class_init(as_object& global)
+XMLDocument_as::init(as_object& global)
     static boost::intrusive_ptr<builtin_function> cl;
-    if (!cl) {
-        cl = new builtin_function(&xmldocument_ctor, 
-        attachXMLDocumentStaticInterface(*cl);
+    if ( cl == NULL )
+    {
+        cl=new builtin_function(&xml_new, getXMLInterface());
-    // Register _global.XMLDocument
-    global.init_member("XMLDocument", cl.get());
+    global.init_member("XML", cl.get());
+XMLDocument_as::registerNative(as_object& global)
+    VM& vm = global.getVM();
+    vm.registerNative(xml_escape, 100, 5);
+    vm.registerNative(xml_createElement, 253, 8);
+    vm.registerNative(xml_createTextNode, 253, 9);
+    vm.registerNative(xml_parseXML, 253, 10);
 namespace {
-attachXMLDocumentInterface(as_object& o)
+attachXMLProperties(as_object& /*o*/)
-    o.init_member("createTextNode", new 
-    o.init_member("parseXML", new builtin_function(xmldocument_parseXML));
-    o.init_member("toString", new builtin_function(xmldocument_toString));
+    // if we use a proper member here hasOwnProperty() would return true
+    // but we want it to return false instead. See
+    //o.init_member("status", as_value(XML::sOK));
-attachXMLDocumentStaticInterface(as_object& o)
+attachXMLInterface(as_object& o)
+    VM& vm = o.getVM();
+    const int flags = 0;
+    // No flags:
+    o.init_member("addRequestHeader", new builtin_function(
+                LoadableObject::loadableobject_addRequestHeader), flags);
+    o.init_member("createElement", vm.getNative(253, 8), flags);
+    o.init_member("createTextNode", vm.getNative(253, 9), flags);
+    o.init_member("getBytesLoaded", 
+            new builtin_function(xml_getBytesLoaded), flags);
+    o.init_member("getBytesTotal", 
+            new builtin_function(xml_getBytesTotal), flags);
+    o.init_member("load", vm.getNative(301, 0), flags);
+    o.init_member("parseXML", vm.getNative(253, 10), flags); 
+    o.init_member("send", vm.getNative(301, 1), flags);
+    o.init_member("sendAndLoad", vm.getNative(301, 2), flags);
+    o.init_member("onData", new builtin_function(xml_ondata), flags);
+    o.init_property("xmlDecl", &xml_xmlDecl, &xml_xmlDecl, flags);
+    o.init_property("docTypeDecl", &xml_docTypeDecl, &xml_docTypeDecl, flags);
     static boost::intrusive_ptr<as_object> o;
-    if ( ! o ) {
-        o = new as_object();
-        attachXMLDocumentInterface(*o);
+    if ( o == NULL )
+    {
+        o = new as_object(XMLNode_as::getXMLNodeInterface());
+        VM::get().addStatic(o.get());
+        attachXMLInterface(*o);
     return o.get();
-xmldocument_createTextNode(const fn_call& fn)
-    boost::intrusive_ptr<XMLDocument_as> ptr =
-        ensureType<XMLDocument_as>(fn.this_ptr);
-    UNUSED(ptr);
-    log_unimpl (__FUNCTION__);
-    return as_value();
-xmldocument_parseXML(const fn_call& fn)
-    boost::intrusive_ptr<XMLDocument_as> ptr =
-        ensureType<XMLDocument_as>(fn.this_ptr);
-    UNUSED(ptr);
-    log_unimpl (__FUNCTION__);
-    return as_value();
-xmldocument_toString(const fn_call& fn)
-    boost::intrusive_ptr<XMLDocument_as> ptr =
-        ensureType<XMLDocument_as>(fn.this_ptr);
-    UNUSED(ptr);
-    log_unimpl (__FUNCTION__);
-    return as_value();
+xml_new(const fn_call& fn)
+    boost::intrusive_ptr<XMLDocument_as> xml_obj;
+    if ( fn.nargs > 0 )
+    {
+        if ( fn.arg(0).is_object() )
+        {
+            boost::intrusive_ptr<as_object> obj = fn.arg(0).to_object();
+            xml_obj = dynamic_cast<XMLDocument_as*>(obj.get());
+            if ( xml_obj )
+            {
+                log_debug(_("Cloned the XML object at %p"),
+                       (void *)xml_obj.get());
+                return as_value(xml_obj->cloneNode(true).get());
+            }
+        }
+        const std::string& xml_in = fn.arg(0).to_string();
+        if ( xml_in.empty() )
+        {
+            log_aserror(_("First arg given to XML constructor (%s) "
+                    "evaluates to the empty string"), fn.arg(0));
+            );
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            xml_obj = new XMLDocument_as(xml_in);
+            return as_value(xml_obj.get());
+        }
+    }
+    xml_obj = new XMLDocument_as;
+    return as_value(xml_obj.get());
+/// Only available as ASnative.
+xml_escape(const fn_call& fn)
+    if (!fn.nargs) return as_value();
+    std::string escaped = fn.arg(0).to_string();
+    XMLDocument_as::escape(escaped);
+    return as_value(escaped);
+/// \brief create a new XML element
+/// Method; creates a new XML element with the name specified in the
+/// parameter. The new element initially has no parent, no children,
+/// and no siblings. The method returns a reference to the newly
+/// created XML object that represents the element. This method and
+/// the XML.createTextNode() method are the constructor methods for
+/// creating nodes for an XML object. 
+xml_createElement(const fn_call& fn)
+    if (fn.nargs > 0)
+    {
+        const std::string& text = fn.arg(0).to_string();
+        XMLNode_as *xml_obj = new XMLNode_as;
+        xml_obj->nodeNameSet(text);
+        xml_obj->nodeTypeSet(XMLNode_as::Text);
+        return as_value(xml_obj);
+    }
+    else {
+        log_error(_("no text for element creation"));
+    }
+    return as_value();
+/// \brief Create a new XML node
+/// Method; creates a new XML text node with the specified text. The
+/// new node initially has no parent, and text nodes cannot have
+/// children or siblings. This method returns a reference to the XML
+/// object that represents the new text node. This method and the
+/// XML.createElement() method are the constructor methods for
+/// creating nodes for an XML object.
+xml_createTextNode(const fn_call& fn)
+    if (fn.nargs > 0) {
+        const std::string& text = fn.arg(0).to_string();
+        XMLNode_as* xml_obj = new XMLNode_as;
+        xml_obj->nodeValueSet(text);
+        xml_obj->nodeTypeSet(XMLNode_as::Text);
+        return as_value(xml_obj);
+    }
+    else {
+        log_error(_("no text for text node creation"));
+    }
+    return as_value();
+xml_getBytesLoaded(const fn_call& fn)
+    boost::intrusive_ptr<XMLDocument_as> ptr = 
+    long int ret = ptr->getBytesLoaded();
+    if ( ret < 0 ) return as_value();
+    else return as_value(ret);
+xml_getBytesTotal(const fn_call& fn)
+    boost::intrusive_ptr<XMLDocument_as> ptr = 
+    long int ret = ptr->getBytesTotal();
+    if ( ret < 0 ) return as_value();
+    else return as_value(ret);
+xml_parseXML(const fn_call& fn)
+    boost::intrusive_ptr<XMLDocument_as> ptr = 
+    if (fn.nargs < 1)
+    {
+            log_aserror("XML.parseXML() needs one argument");
+        );
+        return as_value();
+    }
+    const std::string& text = fn.arg(0).to_string();
+    ptr->parseXML(text);
+    return as_value();
+xml_xmlDecl(const fn_call& fn)
+    boost::intrusive_ptr<XMLDocument_as> ptr = 
+    if (!fn.nargs)
+    {
+        // Getter
+        const std::string& xml = ptr->getXMLDecl();
+        if (xml.empty()) return as_value();
+        return as_value(xml);
+    }
+    // Setter
+    const std::string& xml = fn.arg(0).to_string();
+    ptr->setDocTypeDecl(xml);
+    return as_value();
+xml_docTypeDecl(const fn_call& fn)
+    boost::intrusive_ptr<XMLDocument_as> ptr = 
+    if (!fn.nargs)
+    {
+        // Getter
+        const std::string& docType = ptr->getDocTypeDecl();
+        if (docType.empty()) return as_value();
+        return as_value(docType);
+    }
+    // Setter
+    const std::string& docType = fn.arg(0).to_string();
+    ptr->setDocTypeDecl(docType);
+    return as_value();
+xml_ondata(const fn_call& fn)
+    as_object* thisPtr = fn.this_ptr.get();
+    assert(thisPtr);
+    // See;
+    // a=blob;f=libswfdec/
+    as_value src;
+    if (fn.nargs) src = fn.arg(0);
+    if (!src.is_undefined()) {
+        thisPtr->set_member(NSV::PROP_LOADED, true);
+        thisPtr->callMethod(NSV::PROP_PARSE_XML, src);
+        thisPtr->callMethod(NSV::PROP_ON_LOAD, true);
+    }
+    else {
+        thisPtr->set_member(NSV::PROP_LOADED, false);
+        thisPtr->callMethod(NSV::PROP_ON_LOAD, false);
+    }
+    return as_value();
+/// Case insensitive match of a string, returning false if there too few
+/// DisplayObjects left or if there is no match. If there is a match, and 
+/// is not false, the iterator points to the DisplayObject after the match.
+textMatch(const std::string& xml, std::string::const_iterator& it,
+        const std::string& match, bool advance)
+    const std::string::size_type len = match.length();
+    const std::string::const_iterator end = xml.end();
+    if (static_cast<size_t>(end - it) < len) return false;
+    if (!std::equal(it, it + len, match.begin(), boost::is_iequal())) {
+        return false;
+    }
+    if (advance) it += len;
+    return true;
+/// Advance past whitespace
+/// @return true if there is text after the whitespace, false if we 
+///         reach the end of the string.
+textAfterWhitespace(const std::string& xml, std::string::const_iterator& it)
+    const std::string whitespace("\r\t\n ");
+    while (it != xml.end() && whitespace.find(*it) != std::string::npos) ++it;
+    return (it != xml.end());
+/// Parse a complete node up to a specified terminator.
+/// @return     false if we reach the end of the text before finding the
+///             terminator.
+/// @param it   The current position of the iterator. If the return is true,
+///             this points to the first DisplayObject after the terminator 
+///             after return
+/// @param content  If the return is true, this is filled with the content of
+///                 the tag.
+/// @param xml      The complete XML string.
+parseNodeWithTerminator(const std::string& xml,
+        std::string::const_iterator& it, const std::string& terminator,
+        std::string& content)
+    std::string::const_iterator end = std::search(it, xml.end(),
+            terminator.begin(), terminator.end());
+    if (end == xml.end()) {
+        return false;
+    }
+    content = std::string(it, end);
+    it = end + terminator.length();
+    return true;

=== modified file 'libcore/asobj/flash/xml/XMLDocument_as.h'
--- a/libcore/asobj/flash/xml/XMLDocument_as.h  2009-05-28 17:29:17 +0000
+++ b/libcore/asobj/flash/xml/XMLDocument_as.h  2009-06-08 16:08:56 +0000
@@ -24,17 +24,168 @@
 #include "gnashconfig.h"
+#include "LoadableObject.h"
+#include "xml/XMLNode_as.h"
+#include "log.h"
+#include "dsodefs.h"
+#include "StringPredicates.h"
+#include <map>
+#include <string>
 namespace gnash {
 // Forward declarations
-class as_object;
-/// Initialize the global XMLDocument class
-void xmldocument_class_init(as_object& global);
-} // gnash namespace
+class fn_call;
+class URL;
+class LoaderThread;
+/// XML class and ActionScript object
+class XMLDocument_as : public XMLNode_as, public LoadableObject
+    enum ParseStatus {
+            XML_OK = 0,
+            XML_UNTERMINATED_CDATA = -2,
+            XML_UNTERMINATED_XML_DECL = -3,
+            XML_OUT_OF_MEMORY = -7,
+            XML_MISSING_CLOSE_TAG = -9,
+            XML_MISSING_OPEN_TAG = -10
+    };
+    XMLDocument_as();
+    XMLDocument_as(const std::string& xml);
+    ~XMLDocument_as() {};
+    static void init(as_object& global);
+    static void registerNative(as_object& global);
+    /// Convert the XML object to a string
+    //
+    /// This calls XMLNode::toString after adding an xmlDecl and
+    /// docTypeDecl
+    //
+    /// @param o        The ostream to write the string to.
+    /// @param encode   Whether to URL encode the node values.
+    void toString(std::ostream& o, bool encode) const;
+    const std::string& getXMLDecl() const {
+        return _xmlDecl;
+    }
+    void setXMLDecl(const std::string& xml) {
+        _xmlDecl = xml;
+    }
+    const std::string& getDocTypeDecl() const {
+        return _docTypeDecl;
+    }
+    void setDocTypeDecl(const std::string& docType) {
+        _docTypeDecl = docType;
+    }
+    /// This is overridden to provide the 'status' and 'loaded' members,
+    /// which are NOT proper properties !
+    /// See actionscript.all/
+    ///
+    bool get_member(string_table::key name, as_value *val,
+               string_table::key nsname = 0);
+    /// This is overridden to provide the 'status' and 'loaded' members,
+    /// which are NOT proper properties !
+    /// See actionscript.all/
+    ///
+    bool set_member(string_table::key name, const as_value& val,
+                string_table::key nsname = 0, bool ifFound=false);
+    // Methods
+    /// Parses an XML document into the specified XML object tree.
+    //
+    /// This reads in an XML file from disk and parses into into a memory
+    /// resident tree which can be walked through later.
+    ///
+    /// Calls to this function clear any precedently parsed data.
+    ///
+    void parseXML(const std::string& xml);
+    // An event handler that returns a what?
+    bool onLoad();
+    /// Escape using XML entities.
+    //
+    /// Note this is not the same as a URL escape.
+    static void escape(std::string& text);
+    /// Unescape XML entities.
+    //
+    /// Note this is not the same as a URL unescape.
+    static void unescape(std::string& text);
+    XMLNode_as* createElement(const std::string& name);
+    XMLNode_as* createTextNode(const std::string& name);
+    typedef std::map<std::string, std::string> Entities;
+    static const Entities& getEntities();
+    typedef std::map<std::string, std::string, StringNoCaseLessThan> 
+    void parseTag(XMLNode_as*& node, const std::string& xml, 
+            std::string::const_iterator& it);
+    void parseAttribute(XMLNode_as* node, const std::string& xml, 
+            std::string::const_iterator& it, Attributes& attributes);
+    void parseDocTypeDecl(const std::string& xml, 
+            std::string::const_iterator& it);
+    void parseText(XMLNode_as* node, const std::string& xml, 
+            std::string::const_iterator& it);
+    void parseXMLDecl(const std::string& xml, 
+            std::string::const_iterator& it);
+    void parseComment(XMLNode_as* node, const std::string& xml, 
+            std::string::const_iterator& it);
+    void parseCData(XMLNode_as* node, const std::string& xml, 
+            std::string::const_iterator& it);
+    /// Remove all children
+    void clear();
+    /// \brief
+    /// Return true if ignoreWhite property was set to anything evaluating
+    /// to true.
+    bool ignoreWhite() const;
+    // -1 if never asked to load anything
+    //  0 if asked to load but not yet loaded (or failure)
+    //  1 if successfully loaded
+    int _loaded;
+    ParseStatus _status;       
+    std::string _docTypeDecl;
+    std::string _xmlDecl;
+}      // namespace gnash

=== modified file 'libcore/asobj/flash/xml/XMLNode_as.cpp'
--- a/libcore/asobj/flash/xml/XMLNode_as.cpp    2009-06-05 18:31:42 +0000
+++ b/libcore/asobj/flash/xml/XMLNode_as.cpp    2009-06-08 16:10:02 +0000
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 #include "xml/XMLNode_as.h"
 //FIXME: direct this to the proper flash namespace
-#include "XML_as.h"
+#include "xml/XMLDocument_as.h"
 #include "Array_as.h"
 #include "Object.h"
 #include "VM.h"
@@ -356,7 +356,7 @@
             for (PropertyList::SortedPropertyList::iterator i = 
                     attrs.begin(), e = attrs.end(); i != e; ++i) { 
-                XML_as::escape(i->second);
+                XMLDocument_as::escape(i->second);
                 xmlout << " " << i->first << "=\"" << i->second << "\"";
@@ -381,7 +381,7 @@
         // Insert entities.
         std::string escaped(nodeValue);
-        XML_as::escape(escaped);
+        XMLDocument_as::escape(escaped);
         const std::string& val = encode ? 
             global->callMethod(NSV::PROP_ESCAPE, escaped).to_string() :

=== modified file 'testsuite/actionscript.all/'
--- a/testsuite/actionscript.all/ 2009-02-25 22:33:03 +0000
+++ b/testsuite/actionscript.all/ 2009-06-08 16:08:56 +0000
@@ -798,14 +798,13 @@
        if ( ! success )
-               //note("No success loading gnash.xml");
+               note("No success loading gnash.xml");
                check_equals(myxml.status, 0);
                check(! myxml.loaded);
-       //note("gnash.xml successfully loaded");
-       //note("myxml status is "+myxml.status);
+       note("gnash.xml successfully loaded");
+       note("myxml status is "+myxml.status);
        check_equals(myxml.status, 0);

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