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[Gnash] Gnas building and running succesfull on amd64

From: fruity
Subject: [Gnash] Gnas building and running succesfull on amd64
Date: Fri, 16 Nov 2007 11:29:56 +0100
User-agent: Icedove (X11/20071018)

Hi to the list.

I installed from the latest cvs gnash on a amd64 (dual core) on a debian
4.0 for amd64.
I've been able also to builde the media server. By now on amd64 native I
can see youtube and most of all the flash application "out there", while still not.

As new to flash design, and since my object is not playing youtube, what
whould you reccomnd to read as first to learn how to write gnash
applications? I so the action script reference, but I don't know how
does a flash source looks like :> at all. and another question, are they
gonna be runnable from the proprietary flash player?

Sorry if this is a faq. :)

You are doing a great job guys!
Keep it on ;)


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