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Re: [gNewSense-users] OT - where did this 'burning dog' name come from?

From: Karl Goetz
Subject: Re: [gNewSense-users] OT - where did this 'burning dog' name come from?
Date: Tue, 03 Apr 2007 09:30:22 +0930
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20070306)

TT wrote:
>> How was that name picked?
> Why was GNU Ice Weasel not picked instead?


Situation A, we rebrand to Iceweasel:
We don't need or want to create a 3rd Iceweasel version (Debian+GNU+gNS)

Situation B, we use the one from Debian:
We have to backport from Debian Sid or Debian Etch, and maintain
(another) fairly complex package from outside the distribution.

Situation C, we use GNU/Iceweasel:
We not only have to maintain an external package, but we also have to
package it. *We* have to maintain it, for security an updates, and *we*
have to do all the work if something breaks it.


Karl Goetz
User of gNewSense: Free as in Freedom -
Australian Ubuntu users team -
User of Debian, The Universal Operating System -

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