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Warning: user address@hidden unknown

Subject: Warning: user address@hidden unknown
Date: Fri, 13 Sep 2002 15:26:48 +0200

The following address doesn't exist: address@hidden

The following address doesn't exist: address@hidden

The following address doesn't exist: address@hidden

On Thu, 12 Sep 2002, Mitch Arniego wrote:

> sorry for being such a clueless loser but im having
> trouble running the latest CVS
> it produces a segmentation fault
> hope you can help me with this thanks.

It's my fault. When preparing latest FreeBSD patch (the one for avioding
GSM_Data on stack) I tried to simplyfy the code too much and in the result
I was trying to free() the memory that I could not. Fixed in CVS. The
change will be included in todays snapshost (will be generated in 90

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