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[Gnu-arch-users] [REJECT: 11] ('tla undo -o mychanges' barfs badly)

From: Sylvain Defresne
Subject: [Gnu-arch-users] [REJECT: 11] ('tla undo -o mychanges' barfs badly)
Date: Thu, 06 May 2004 00:22:12 +0200

This bug appears to have been fixed already (using

$ tla undo -o mychanges
* linting the source tree
* reverting changes
M   hw.c
M   main.c

The only gotcha is a warning when using the redo command using this
changeset if mychanges directory is in the source category.

$ tla redo mychanges
* linting the source tree
These files would be source but lack inventory ids (`tla add' or a tagline 


M   hw.c
M   main.c

Sylvain Defresne                               <address@hidden>
1024D/A036DDB1 6AB9 B65F 7C44 819F DD42  62D2 A093 2840 A036 DDB1

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