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Re: [Gnu-arch-users] Re: [BUG] FEATURE PLANS: "perfect" summary deltas

From: Aaron Bentley
Subject: Re: [Gnu-arch-users] Re: [BUG] FEATURE PLANS: "perfect" summary deltas
Date: Sun, 06 Jun 2004 16:48:48 -0400
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Tom Lord wrote:

Somewhat worse than that, I think.  Every summary delta is almost
certain to be larger than the corresponding revision delta.  In the
worst case (or depending on how you tune the summary branch) the
average summary delta size converges and stays at some constant
fraction of the size of a cacherev.

Yet I think it's a good design.  Those nasty things are inevitable
properties of _any_ kind of static (dumb-server friendly) summary
delta solution and you can offset them only by allowing "lacunae"
(missing summary deltas).

Well, I think a solution involving a "deltas" directory that contained all deltas with a TO-REVISION in that version would be faster, more flexible, smaller and more straightforward.

It would be faster, because you could use a single directory listing to find out which deltas were available instead using a bunch of requests, and getting slowed down by latency.

It would be more flexible, because you could produce a delta from any revision, even external ones. For example, I could have a delta (in my errors branch) named:

When you (or anyone else with 1.3--patch-26 in their revlib) wanted to get my tlasrc--errors--3--patch-10 revision, you could just use that delta. In other words, this generalizes submission branches and summary deltas into the same approach.

It saves space, because you don't get redundant deltas. In your delta scheme, patch-1, patch-4 and patch-8 are redundant with the summarized branch. And even patch-2, patch-5 and patch-9 are unlikely to reduce download time significantly. But if deltas aren't stored as branches, there's no need to have one revision per summarized revision, so those deltas wouldn't be needed.

It would be more straightforward, because it wouldn't introduce unwanted patchlogs, it wouldn't introduce new kinds of branches that were inaccessible. It also wouldn't break the expectation that "if a revision exists, the namespace-previous revision also exists".


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