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[Gnu-arch-users] Auto updating arch from CVS using cscvs

From: micah milano
Subject: [Gnu-arch-users] Auto updating arch from CVS using cscvs
Date: Sun, 25 Jul 2004 23:43:36 -0500

Hello all, I'm having troubles updating my CVS import into arch
repository with cscvs, I'm looking for some pointers as to what I am,
or have, done wrong.

First, let me share with you my methodology for pulling the upstream
sympa mailing list software source from CVS and then importing that
into arch so that if I have done something wrong in the preparation of
this, you can point that out:

% mkdir -p ~/cvs
% cvs -d :pserver:address@hidden:/sympa checkout -D today sympa
% tla archive-setup address@hidden/sympa--CVS--0
% cd sympa
% mkdir tla
% cd tla
% tla init-tree address@hidden/sympa--CVS--0
% cd ..
% cscvs cache -b
% find . -xdev | cpio -vdamp /home/manderson/cvs/sympa/tla
% cd tla
% tla tree-lint
% tla tree-lint -t | xargs tla add
% tla tree-lint
% tla import
% vi \{arch\}/\=tagging-method (add CVS to backup regexp)
% tla commit -L"Removed the CVS directories"
% tla tree-lint
% tla get sympa--CVS--0 (this is what I'll hack on)
% tla tree-lint

Now, a few days have gone by and I want to update the arch repository
after updating from CVS. Through the help from others I've got the
following procedure, that I haven't been able to get right, but once I
do I will cron it:

% cd ~/cvs/sympa
% cvs -d :pserver:address@hidden:/sympa update -RdP -D today
% cscvs cache -u
% tla update -d /home/manderson/cvs/sympa/tla
% cscvs totla -S -c MAIN.(last_patchset_imported+1): \

So, what happens when I do this? The cvs update pulls in about 20
updated files, then I do a cscvs cache -u, which looks good (although
I was expecting some output here because some things were changed):

% cscvs cache -u
CSCVS_LIBS: /home/manderson/cscvs
sys.path: ['/home/manderson/cscvs', '/usr/lib/',
'/usr/lib/python2.3', '/usr/lib/python2.3/plat-linux2',
'/usr/lib/python2.3/lib-tk', '/usr/lib/python2.3/lib-dynload',
'/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages', '/usr/lib/site-python',

I then do a tla update -d /home/manderson/cvs/sympa/tla, and I am puzzled:

% tla update -d /home/manderson/cvs/sympa/tla
* tree is already up to date

How is it up-to-date? I decide to stop here because this doesn't seem
right, and I am afraid of irrevocably messing something up :) In any
case, the last step requires that I have imported a new patchset,
which is what I am guessing would happen with the tla update? Since
nothing happened, I am not sure what to do from here.


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