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Re: [Gnu-arch-users] patch: automatic cacherev and smarter get

From: Mikhael Goikhman
Subject: Re: [Gnu-arch-users] patch: automatic cacherev and smarter get
Date: Wed, 23 Nov 2005 02:08:19 +0000
User-agent: Mutt/

On 22 Nov 2005 13:49:18 -0800, Derek Zhou wrote:
> This patch implements the following:
> * automatic cachrev every 50 commits
> * smarter get algorithm. Now it weights between several possible
> ways to get a revision and use the one that take the minimum effort

Sounds cool.

> Caveats:
> * the number 50 is hard coded; it really should be a value that the user
> can customize.

I think ~/.arch-params/auto-cacherev-frequency would be good.

Having a tree stored file ({arch}/=auto-cacherev-frequency) may be useful
too, but it can't be used for initial 'get' obviously.

I would configure 20 or 25, because this is how I manually cacherev now.

> * when there is a greedy and non-sparse revlib and it doesn't contain
> anything, tla still go all the way back. (maybe we should limit the number
> of recursions in non-sparse revlib)

No strong opinion here. On one hand, it should try hard not to go all the
way to import; on the other hand, if a user has greedy/non-sparse revlib,
maybe he wants to populate it with all revisions since import.

I have a question. If there is an automatic cacherev every 50 revisions,
I suppose this happens on base-0, patch-50, patch-100 and so on, so
that if patch-123 is requested, there is a good estimation that patch-100
is cacherev'd. Is this correct, or it may also auto-cacherev patch-111?

Another thing. If I understand correctly, you only assign cost to
applying a patch. But not to fetching different things from archive.
(Ideally, different costs for local and remote archives.)


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