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unsafep - Malicious code detector

From: Jonathan Yavner
Subject: unsafep - Malicious code detector
Date: Sat, 30 Mar 2002 11:05:02 -0500

I wrote the following as part of my SES spreadsheet (new rev coming
soon!) so I could claim that SES is completely immune to viruses.  I
recommend using this function any time you're about to evaluate code
that was stored in a file and could have been altered by some
malicious user.

;;;; unsafep.el -- Determine whether a Lisp form is safe to evaluate

;; Copyright (C) 2002 Jonathan Yavner

;; Author: Jonathan Yavner <address@hidden>
;; Keywords: safety lisp utility
;; Version: 21.1

;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
;; the License, or (at your option) any later version.

;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be
;; useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
;; PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.

;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
;; License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
;; Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
;; MA 02111-1307 USA

;;; Commentary:

;; This is a simplistic implementation that does not allow any access to
;; files or buffers or global variables.  It does no dataflow analysis, so
;; functions like `funcall' and `setcar' are completely disallowed.  It is
;; designed for "pure Lisp" formulas, like those in spreadsheets, that don't
;; make any use of the text editing capabilities of Emacs.

;; A formula is safe if:
;;  1.  It's an atom.
;;  2.  It's a function call to a safe function and all arguments are safe
;;      formulas.
;;  3.  It's a special form whose arguments are like a function's (and,
;;      catch, if, or, prog1, prog2, progn, while, unwind-protect).
;;  4.  It's a special form or macro that creates safe lexical bindings
;;      (condition-case, dolist, dotimes, lambda, let, let*).
;;  4.  It's one of (cond, quote) that have special parsing.
;;  5.  It's one of (add-to-list, setq, push, pop) and the target variable
;;      is safe.
;;  6.  It's one of (apply, mapc, mapcar, mapconcat) and its first arg is a
;;      quoted safe function.
;; A function is safe if:
;;  1.  It's a lambda containing safe formulas.
;;  2.  It's a symbol with the `side-effect-free' property, defined by the
;;      byte compiler or user.  We extend the meaning of this property:
;;      value nil indicates that the function or macro has side effects
;;      but is otherwise safe.  This property is provided for safe built-in
;;      functions and for safe functions and macros in subr.el.
;;  3.  It's a member of list `unsafep-disable', so the user says it's safe.
;; A lexical binding is unsafe if its symbol:
;;  1.  Has the `risky-local-variable' property.
;;  2.  Has a name that ends with -command, font-lock-keywords(-[0-9]+)?,
;;      font-lock-syntactic-keywords, -form, -forms, -frame-alist, -function,
;;      -functions, -history, -hook, -hooks, -map, -map-alist, -mode-alist,
;;      -predicate, or -program.
;; A target variable is unsafe if:
;;   1. It would be unsafe as a lexical binding.
;;   2. It has no lexical or buffer-local binding.

;; There are unsafe forms that `unsafep' cannot detect.  Beware of these:
;;   1. The form's result is a string with a display property containing a
;;      form to be evaluated later, and you insert this result into a
;;      buffer.  Always remove display properties before inserting!
;;   2. The form alters a risky variable that was recently added to Emacs and
;;      is not yet marked with the `risky-local-variable' property.  Always
;;      distribute the latest version of unsafep, even to users running older
;;      versions of Emacs (they might upgrade).
;;   3. The form uses undocumented features of built-in functions that have
;;      the `side-effect-free' property.  For example, in Emacs-20 if you
;;      passed a circular list to `assoc', Emacs would crash.  Historically,
;;      problems of this kind have been few and short-lived.

(provide 'unsafep)
(require 'byte-opt)  ;Set up the `side-effect-free' properties

  (let ((major 21))
    (if (> emacs-major-version major)
        ;;Need to recheck the Elisp manual for new risky variables
        (byte-compile-log-1 (format "This unsafep rev is for Emacs %d.x"

(defvar unsafep-disable nil
  "*t to disable all safety checks, or a list of assumed-safe functions.")
(put 'unsafep-disable 'risky-local-variable t)

(defvar unsafep-vars nil
  "Dynamically-bound list of variables that have lexical bindings at this
point in the parse.")
(put 'unsafep-vars 'risky-local-variable t)

;;Some side-effect-free subrs not listed in byte-opt.el (why not?)
(dolist (x '(bool-vector-p char-to-string compare-strings copy-alist
             copy-sequence current-time current-time-string current-time-zone
             decode-time encode-time error-message-string ffloor
             float-time format-time-string fround ftruncate intern-soft
             make-list make-string make-symbol plist-get plist-member
             prin1-to-string rassoc read-from-string safe-length signal
             truncate wholenump))
  (put x 'side-effect-free t))

;;Side-effect-free functions from subr.el
(dolist (x '(assoc-default assoc-ignore-case butlast error last match-string
             match-string-no-properties member-ignore-case remove remq))
  (put x 'side-effect-free t))

;;Other safe functions
(dolist (x '(;;Special forms
             and catch if or prog1 prog2 progn while unwind-protect
             ;;Safe subrs that have some side-effects
             ding message minibuffer-message random read-minibuffer sleep-for
             string-match throw y-or-n-p yes-or-no-p
             ;;Defsubst functions from subr.el
             caar cadr cdar cddr
             ;;Macros from subr.el
             save-match-data unless when with-temp-message
             ;;Functions from subr.el that have side effects
             read-passwd split-string replace-regexp-in-string
  (put x 'side-effect-free nil))

;;Risky variables not listed in files.el
(dolist (x '(default-directory font-lock-defaults format-alist inhibit-quit))
  (put x 'risky-local-variable t))

;;Risky variables that are not listed in older versions of files.el
(when (and (= emacs-major-version 21) (< emacs-minor-version 3))
  (dolist (x '(buffer-undo-list default-text-properties frame-title-format
               global-mode-string header-line-format icon-title-format
               imenu-generic-expression imenu-index-alist input-method-alist
               max-lisp-eval-depth max-specpdl-size
               overriding-terminal-local-map special-display-buffer-names
               standard-input standard-output unread-command-events vc-mode))
    (put x 'risky-local-variable t)))

(defun unsafep (form &optional unsafep-vars)
  "Return nil if evaluating FORM couldn't possibly do any harm; otherwise
result is a reason why FORM is unsafe.  UNSAFEP-VARS is a list of symbols
with local bindings."
  (catch 'unsafep
    (if (or (eq unsafep-disable t)          ;User turned off safety-checking
            (atom form))                    ;Atoms are never unsafe
        (throw 'unsafep nil))
    (let* ((fun    (car form))
           (reason (unsafep-function fun))
       ((not reason)
        ;;It's a normal function - unsafe if any arg is
        (unsafep-progn (cdr form)))
       ((eq fun 'quote)
        ;;Never unsafe
       ((memq fun '(apply mapc mapcar mapconcat))
        ;;Unsafe if 1st arg isn't a quoted lambda
        (setq arg (cadr form))
         ((memq (car-safe arg) '(quote function))
          (setq reason (unsafep-function (cadr arg))))
         ((eq (car-safe arg) 'lambda)
          ;;Self-quoting lambda
          (setq reason (unsafep arg unsafep-vars)))
          (setq reason `(unquoted ,arg))))
        (or reason (unsafep-progn (cddr form))))
       ((eq fun 'lambda)
        ;;First arg is local bindings
        (mapc #'(lambda (x)
                  (let ((y (unsafep-variable x t)))
                    (if y (throw 'unsafep y)))
                  (or (memq x '(&optional &rest))
                      (push x unsafep-vars)))
              (cadr form))
        (unsafep-progn (cddr form)))
       ((eq fun 'let)
        ;;Creates local bindings in one step
        (setq unsafep-vars (nconc (mapcar #'unsafep-let (cadr form))
        (unsafep-progn (cddr form)))
       ((eq fun 'let*)
        ;;Creates local bindings iteratively
        (dolist (x (cadr form))
          (push (unsafep-let x) unsafep-vars))
        (unsafep-progn (cddr form)))
       ((eq fun 'setq)
        ;;Safe if odd arguments are local-var syms, evens are safe exprs
        (setq arg (cdr form))
        (while arg
          (setq reason (or (unsafep-variable (car arg) nil)
                           (unsafep (cadr arg) unsafep-vars)))
          (if reason (throw 'unsafep reason))
          (setq arg (cddr arg))))
       ((eq fun 'pop)
        ;;safe if arg is local-var sym
        (unsafep-variable (cadr form) nil))
       ((eq fun 'push)
        ;;Safe if 2nd arg is a local-var sym
        (or (unsafep (cadr form) unsafep-vars)
            (unsafep-variable (nth 2 form) nil)))
       ((eq fun 'add-to-list)
        ;;Safe if first arg is a quoted local-var sym
        (setq arg (cadr form))
        (if (not (eq (car-safe arg) 'quote))
            `(unquoted ,arg)
          (or (unsafep-variable (cadr arg) nil)
              (unsafep-progn (cddr form)))))
       ((eq fun 'cond)
        ;;Special form with unusual syntax - safe if all args are
        (dolist (x (cdr form))
          (setq reason (unsafep-progn x))
          (if reason (throw 'unsafep reason))))
       ((memq fun '(dolist dotimes))
        ;;Safe if COUNT and RESULT are safe.  VAR is local while checking BODY.
        (setq arg (cadr form))
        (or (unsafep-progn (cdr arg))
            (let ((unsafep-vars (cons (car arg) unsafep-vars)))
              (unsafep-progn (cddr form)))))
       ((eq fun 'condition-case)
        ;;Special form with unusual syntax - safe if all args are
        (or (unsafep-variable (cadr form) t)
            (unsafep (nth 2 form) unsafep-vars)
            (let ((unsafep-vars (cons (cadr form) unsafep-vars)))
              ;;var is defined only during handlers
              (dolist (x (nthcdr 3 form))
                (setq reason (unsafep-progn (cdr x)))
                (if reason (throw 'unsafep reason))))))
        ;;First unsafep-function call above wasn't nil, no special case applies

(defun unsafep-function (fun)
  "Return nil if FUN is a safe function (either a safe lambda or a
symbol that names a safe function).  Otherwise result is a reason code."
   ((eq (car-safe fun) 'lambda)
    (unsafep fun unsafep-vars))
   ((not (and (symbolp fun)
              (or (plist-member (symbol-plist fun) 'side-effect-free)
                  (eq unsafep-disable t)
                  (memq fun unsafep-disable))))
    `(function ,fun))))

(defun unsafep-progn (list)
  "Return nil if all forms in LIST are safe, or the reason for the first
unsafe form."
  (catch 'unsafep-progn
    (let (reason)
      (dolist (x list)
        (setq reason (unsafep x unsafep-vars))
        (if reason (throw 'unsafep-progn reason))))))

(defun unsafep-let (clause)
  "CLAUSE is a let-binding, either SYM or (SYM) or (SYM VAL).  Throws a
reason to `unsafep' if VAL isn't safe.  Returns SYM."
  (let (reason sym)
    (if (atom clause)
        (setq sym clause)
      (setq sym    (car clause)
            reason (unsafep (cadr clause) unsafep-vars)))
    (setq reason (or (unsafep-variable sym t) reason))
    (if reason (throw 'unsafep reason))

(defun unsafep-variable (sym global-okay)
  "Returns nil if SYM is lexically bound or is a non-risky buffer-local
variable, otherwise a reason why it is unsafe.  Failing to be locally bound
is okay if GLOBAL-OKAY is non-nil."
   ((not (symbolp sym))
    `(variable ,sym))
   ((or (get sym 'risky-local-variable)
        ;;Files.el has a similar list, but without -history
                      (symbol-name sym)))
    `(risky-local-variable ,sym))
   ((not (or global-okay
             (memq sym unsafep-vars)
             (local-variable-p sym)))
    `(global-variable ,sym))))

;; unsafep.el ends here.

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