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choir music

From: David Ondreka
Subject: choir music
Date: Fri, 22 Sep 2000 15:33:07 +0200

How am I supposed to start a score with a single staff (but several
lyrics verses) and then later switch to a 4voices/2staffs setting?
I tried

    \context Staff = single {  ... }

    \context ChoirStaff = choir < ... >

which works fine without lyrics. But if I add the lyrics using
\addlyrics for the two parts lily seems to reserve extra space for 
an invisible staff below the lyrics which belong to the single line.
I have attached the .ly file where this problem occurs.

Furthermore I'd like to know how I can get a \bar "||" at a line 
break when a \repeat follows the line break. (This was once lily's
default behaviour, no?)

Thanks in advance for any suggestions,


David Ondreka <address@hidden>
\include ""

global = \notes { \key d \major; \time 4/4; }

TextIntroI = \lyrics {
  a8 me za li wa bua na a me za li wa je su
  a me za li wa a me za li wa a me za li wa a me za li wa

TextIntroII = \lyrics {
  je8 su ma ne ma mun gu je su ma ne ma mon gu
  a me dschi tu a a me dschi tu a a me dschi tu a a me dschi tu a

TextIntroIII = \lyrics {
  u8 le u ku da sa sa u le u ku da sa sa
  a me bo mo a a me bo mo a a me bo mo a a me bo mo a

TextStropheI = \lyrics {
  ua8 na ua na ba na a me za li wa e jo

TextStropheII = \lyrics {
  a8 me gu dscha gu tu kon go a re die da min

TextStropheIII = \lyrics {
  je8 su i ju ba ta ni tscho e ktu na mon gu

TextRefrain = \lyrics {
  sa8 sa na tu bi ge vi ge le ge le
  na tu bi ge ma ko fi ma la ta tu
  ton to ku si quoa na mo ko si we tu
  ton to ku si quoa na mo ko si we tu

NotenIntroFrauenI = \notes \relative c'' {
  a8 a16 a~a a a8 h4 a | a8 a16 a~a a a8 h4 a | 

NotenIntroFrauenII = \notes \relative c'' {
  a8^"Sopran" fis16 g~g e fis8 fis^"Alt" d16 e~e cis d8 |

NotenIntroMaenner = \notes \relative c' {
  d^"Tenor" a16 h~h g a8 d,^"Baß" d16 d~d d d8 |

NotenStropheSopran = \notes \relative c' {
  fis8 fis16 a~a g fis8 d4 e8 fis | g4. fis8 d4 e | d1 |

NotenStropheAlt = \notes \relative c' {
  d8 d16 fis~fis e d8 h4 cis8 d | e4. d8 a4 cis | a1 |

NotenStropheTenor = \notes \relative c' {
  a8 a16 d~d h a8 fis4 g8 a | h4. a8 fis4 g | fis1 |

NotenStropheBass = \notes \relative c {
  d8 d16 d~d d d8 h4 h8 h | g4. g8 a4 a | d1 |

NotenRefrainSopran = \notes \relative c'' {
  d8 d16 d~d a h8 a4 fis8 a | g4 fis e2 | 
  d'8 d16 d~d a h8 a4 fis8 a | g4 fis e2 | 
  fis8 d16 e~e d e8 d4 d8 e8 | d4 cis d2 |
  fis8 d16 e~e d e8 d4 d8 e8 | d4 cis d2 |

NotenRefrainAlt = \notes \relative c' {
  fis8 fis16 fis~fis fis g8 fis4 fis8 fis | e4 d cis2 |
  fis8 fis16 fis~fis fis g8 fis4 fis8 fis | e4 d cis2 |
  d8 d16 h~h h h8 a4 a8 h | a4 a d2 |
  d8 d16 h~h h h8 a4 a8 h | a4 a d2 |

NotenRefrainTenor = \notes \relative c' {
  fis8 fis16 fis~fis d e8 d4 a8 d | h4 h4 a2 |
  fis'8 fis16 fis~fis d e8 d4 a8 d | h4 h4 a2 |
  a8 fis16 g~g fis g8 fis4 fis8 g | fis4 e fis2 |
  a8 fis16 g~g fis g8 fis4 fis8 g | fis4 e fis2 |

NotenRefrainBass = \notes \relative c {
  d8 d16 d~d d d8 d4 d8 d | g,4 g a2 |
  d8 d16 d~d d d8 d4 d8 d | g,4 g a2 |
  d8 d16 d~d d e8 d4 d8 d | a4 a d2 |
  d8 d16 d~d d e8 d4 d8 d | a4 a d2 |



  \context Staff = Intro \context Voice = VI { s1 }
  \context LyricVoice = "VI-1" { s1 }
  \context LyricVoice = "VI-2" { s1 }
  \context LyricVoice = "VI-3" { s1 }

   \context Staff = Intro {
    \notes \clef "violin";
    \property Staff.automaticMelismata = ##t
    \clef "bass";
    \context LyricVoice = "VI-1" \TextIntroI
    \context LyricVoice = "VI-2" \TextIntroII
    \context LyricVoice = "VI-3" \TextIntroIII

  \context ChoirStaff = Strophe <

    \context Staff = FrauenStrophe \context Voice = AS {s1}
    \context LyricVoice = "AS-1" { s1 }
    \context LyricVoice = "AS-2" { s1 }
    \context LyricVoice = "AS-3" { s1 }

    \context Staff = FrauenStrophe {
      \notes \clef "violin";
      \property Staff.automaticMelismata = ##t
      \skip 1*4;
        \context Voice = SS { \stemup \NotenStropheSopran }
        \context Voice = AS { \stemdown \NotenStropheAlt }
      \bar "||"; \break
      \repeat fold 2 {
          \context Voice = SR { \stemup \NotenRefrainSopran }
          \context Voice = AR { \stemdown \NotenRefrainAlt }
      \context LyricVoice = "AS-1" { \TextStropheI }
      \context LyricVoice = "AS-2" { \TextStropheII \TextRefrain }
      \context LyricVoice = "AS-3" { \TextStropheIII }

    \context Staff = MaennerStrophe {
      \notes \clef "bass";
      \skip 1*4;
        \context Voice = TS { \stemup \NotenStropheTenor }
        \context Voice = BS { \stemdown \NotenStropheBass }
      \bar "||"; \break 
      \repeat volta 2 {
          \context Voice = TR { \stemup \NotenRefrainTenor }
          \context Voice = BR { \stemdown \NotenRefrainBass }
      \bar ":|";



      \remove "Bar_number_engraver";
    textheight = 24.0\cm;


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