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[open-cobol-list] Representing C enumerations & other stuff

From: vince
Subject: [open-cobol-list] Representing C enumerations & other stuff
Date: Sun, 3 Feb 2013 15:40:47 +0000
User-agent: KMail/4.6.1 (Linux/; KDE/4.6.5; x86_64; ; )

You wrote:

> BTW I don't what to clutter everyone's inboxes with another post.... Is
> there any technical reason why cobc could not be written in open cobol?
> I don't have the time or skills right now but maybe one day I could help
> with this.

If you look at the code it is reasonably tight and OC does NOT generate code 
anywhere close as it does make use of a lot of routines to handle tasks.

This is fine for app code and is the model used in most if not all commercial 
compilers eg, Microfocus, but is far too slow for use in the runtime code. 

I would be more interested in converting all generated code to C++ as a first 
step to introducing OO coding abet in far future version.


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