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Re: [open-cobol-list] PASSTHROUGH experiment

From: Brian Tiffin
Subject: Re: [open-cobol-list] PASSTHROUGH experiment
Date: Thu, 07 Feb 2013 13:24:16 -0500
User-agent: Opera Mail/12.13 (Linux)

On Thu, 07 Feb 2013 10:56:11 -0500, Patrick <address@hidden> wrote:

Hi Everyone

So for 8 years I have been teaching myself to program in the evenings
after the kids go to bed(I service spectrometers in the day) and for 8
years I have been littering the internet with stupid questions. I have
failed and failed and failed but I have also learned quite a bit in the

So I have been looking at the OC source code and I am very excited. All
the C books I have read seem to make sense now and all the compiler
books seem to be making sense now too.

It will take me another month of evenings to understand the source code
but I can see it is built from standard components like Autotools, Flex
and Bison, there is lot of documentation to help outside of the OC project.

I was investigating gobject introspection in order to write a GTK
binding but now I have another idea. What about modifying open Cobol
itself to pass through certain variables directly to C skipping the
normal checks an stuff.

So lets say that there is a C library that has the function POO and I
want to pass the value 2 and a user defined C type FOO. Right now there
is no way to represent FOO in OC or it is difficult.

What about something like this:


or if the C library uses some crazy name, a way to rename it on the
Cobol side but emitted correctly on the C side

05 crazy PIC PASSTHROUGH VALUE SomeCrazyNameInC.

Aside from modifying Cobol outside of the standard does anyone see any
issues with this approach?

Hello, Patrick;

Yeah there would be some issues with this, and there are some pretty simple existent workarounds using thin wrappers.

I've found that most of the C ABI is available from pure OpenCOBOL, and the edge cases only require a thin layer of C to fill in all other features and functionalities.

Usually defining struct equivalents in COBOL groups is as easy as adding SYNCHRONIZED to the working-storage definitions.

One area that gets dicey is registering callbacks that don't have C int return types. Another is void returns (though a fix is available, but not integrated into OpenCOBOL-1.1 Community Edition just yet).

One of the nice features of OpenCOBOL is that cobc knows what to do with .c files.

$ cobc -x program.cob utilities.c

will compile program and properly link to any symbols or functions in utilities.c

Now, having said all the above, I don't want to discourage ANY experiments with OpenCOBOL, as experiments lead to discoveries. One thing we do want to avoid with OpenCOBOL is getting too far away from official or defacto standard COBOL. (Having said that, I'd like to see open COBOL have some influence on the next official COBOL draft, which will likely be COBOL 2020 (or later)).

I used to be where you are now, I think, wondering how integration with C could be optimized, but it turns out that it's pretty close as it is. I now look to pure OpenCOBOL first, and only fallback to C wrappings when the callframes can't be properly formed (or wonky C preprocessor macros are required, or as in your example, if extern names are in conflict with COBOL rules). Turns out that that is more rare than you might think (especially with SYNC support).

And sometimes, C code just seems the proper place to put some functionality (but I lean toward leveraging Vala code for those times now, and have Vala/Genie generate .c files that cobc can pick up and use).

On GObject; I had a small conversation with the Vala team, and I kinda volunteered to try adding GObject Introspection to cob_field. If that works, then OpenCOBOL would have seamless handling of C header information within GLib space and GObject projects would have nearly seamless integration to OpenCOBOL libraries. That would be cool.


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