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Re: eGovOS conference in D.C.

From: Stanley A. Klein
Subject: Re: eGovOS conference in D.C.
Date: Thu, 06 Feb 2003 19:16:52

I attended the last eGovOs conference and I *do* plan to attend this one.
I strongly disagree with the idea of boycotting the conference.

I submitted two proposals for presentations.  Neither was accepted.  I
looked at the list of presenters and I can understand that the competition
was strong.

I also plan to propose that GNUe present at a future eGovOs conference when
we are in a better position to do so.  

Regarding Free Software versus Open Source:  Most speakers mention both
terms.  Some people have taken to using the acronym FOSS (Free/Open-Source
Software).  Free Software guarantees that what Lessig calls the Innovation
Commons will be preserved.  Open Source doesn't provide the guarantees, but
their licenses have valid uses and the term "Open Source" sometimes
requires less explanation (such as "free as in ...").  Many Open Source
licenses are compatible with Free Software.

I once discussed with RMS (by email a few years ago) his moral distinctions
between Free Software and Open Source, and after researching my own moral
tradition, I disagee with him on the morality issue.  Also, having been
involved in politics for over 40 years, I disagree with him on his
political analogy between the Free Software people and the Open Source
people.  We need to remember the admonition (it may have been John Hancock
who said it in 1776) that "we should all hang together or otherwise we will
all hang separately."

Regarding the speaker from Microsoft, I can't wait for that panel.  It is
going to be fun.  At the last conference they brought in some think tank
shills who were Microsoft FUDsters and put them up in debate against some
excellent free/open-source advocates.  Don't forget that this is Washington
DC, and you have to politely listen to your adversaries.  But then you can
skewer them, especially during the question and answer part of the session.
 I wouldn't want to be the guy Microsoft sends.  

BTW, did you read Robin (roblimo) Miller's column to the effect that
Microsoft was selling GPL'ed software as part of what they were touting at
their LinuxWorld booth?

I have met several of the speakers, both at the previous conference and at
other events, and I think they are very good.  We and they are the reason
behind Microsoft's putting a warning in their 10Q that their business model
is threatened, as recently reported on Slashdot.

There is a real fight going on and I give Tony Stanco a lot of credit for
setting up this conference and putting the free/open-source people into the
thick of it.  He is performing a very important role bringing a lot of
people together who need to be working together.  And that includes the
people of GNUe.

Stan Klein

At 05:22 PM 2/6/2003 -0500, "Derek Neighbors" <address@hidden> wrote:

>David Sugar said:
>> I recall that I originally had offered to help with a gnue presentation
>> at  eGovOS this year.  For a number of reasons, and contrary to previous
>> plans,  after reviewing the circumstances of the eGovOS event, I have
>> chosen this  afternoon not to attend this year's eGovOS conference in
>> mid-march after all.   I think Derek may well guess some of my reasons
>> for making this decision.   Instead, I am considering extending my visit
>> to Prague next month by several  mire days, especially if it would help
>> enable further discussions with their  government and the Czech free
>> software community in promoting the development  and adoption of free
>> software in the public sector by the Czech national  government.  I may
>> also try to see some of thier city.
>I was going to email RMS and what was up with this conference as he at one
>time seemed to have a relationship with Tony Stanco, but figured best to
>leave well enough alone.
>I fully agree that the event should be boycotted by GNUe and anyone else
>that is sick of seeing Free Software slowly being eroded into "Open
>Source" software and further watered down to "Shared Source" software,
>that negates the whole purpose of being of Free Software to begin with.
>It is a shame as the conference is a good idea, but sadly I think poor
>judgement is being exercised. :(

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