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Re: [gnugo-devel] move valuation

From: Arend Bayer
Subject: Re: [gnugo-devel] move valuation
Date: Tue, 13 Nov 2001 12:53:58 +0100 (CET)

> > So the following is just a theoretical discussion, but since I raised
> > that matter I feel I should explain why I think so: Let's look at the
> > following position:
> > |..XXXXXXXXX...
> > |.OaObO.O.OcOOX
> > +--------------
> > First note that all moves here are gote.
> > Your method values a white move at b with 7 pts (after white moves there,
> > black will be assumed to play at a). A white move at c is worth 8 pts.
> No.  It will be valued as 7 points of territory value and 5 points of
> followup value.  (In this case, I am not sure that the followup value
Well, these 7 pts are correct according to the principle stated by Gunnar
that the position is valuated "with X playing first in each local position".

> is really caught but if b is found as a threat to save the two white
> stones, it will be.)  This will give:
No it is not.

>   total value = 7 + 0.5 * 5 = 9.5 (just what you valued the move to)
Yes. Maybe Gunnar misexplained slightly in stating that follow_up values
etc. are only used to determine sente/gote relationships?

> > As another example, the move
> > O*..X
> > is valued as 1pt by GnuGo (instead of 1.5).
> It is? Have you checked this?  In that case, a simple pattern that
Yes. See also arend.tst:37. Of course it would be easy to generate a
pattern that treats this particular case, and I agree that the
followup_values are a very good improvement. But I don't think it is
manageable to get a large enough database of patterns including their
follow_up values; if you want to specify the follow_up value, you need
to know the surrounding conditions very well.

Ultimately, but that is a bit of work, I would suggest the following
approach (although it could also cause a performance problem):
Alternatively to producing a fixed follow up value, a pattern could
suggest (an) O-followup and (a) X-followup move(s). Then
GnuGo could value these followup-moves himself. To do this, it could
also look for follow-ups for O and X after the O-followup move, and
the same after the X-followup move, and so forth. This followup-followup
could in two ways: 1. The O-followup-helper could explicitly refer to
patterns producing followup-followup-moves. 2. One could do a second
pattern matching looking for moves for O and X, and only looking for patterns
that match now and did not match before.
(Of course, some moves like
have to be valued directly by the influence function without looking for
follow_ups, otherwise the algorithm would not stop.) 

After having valued all these possible continuations, there is a
very straightforward algorithm (which I could describe if someone is
interested; but it is just an expansion of the principle "If there is
a sente vs gote position assume that the sente will be played eventually,
and count territories accordingly.)

Of course, if a move is produced e.g. by owl, it would be owl's task
to produce the/some follow-up moves.

> > Also, one can work around this with follow_up values, which as I
> > understand GnuGo does rather rarely.
> Yes, like I describe above.  It was me that introduced the followup
> and reverse_followup values and my intention was that we produce them
> for lots of situations by patterns or by code.  Examples right now are
> that threats to save or capture a string gets followup values and a
> number of patterns in endgame.db are assigned to only provide followup
> values for common situations.  There should be a lot more of them.
Actually, while my approach might be quite a bit of work, it might still
be less work than producing those thousands of necessary follow-up value

> But the real weakness is (as I also said above) that there is no real
> notion of sente and gote sequences.
I think my approach could settle this problem as well. 
Also it should cope with the problem that so far GnuGo does not check
whether a move that looks good and has a huge follow_up value is
actually worth if the opponents answers it.
(Like playing into a knight's move:
which is bad aji keshi.)

I might experimentally try to implement the approach I describe above,
starting with first line endgame patterns. But definitely not
before I got to know GnuGo a little better -- it is still less than 2
weeks ago that I downloaded it :).


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