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[gnugo-devel] 2 small patches for gnugo.el from gnugo 3.7.2

From: Mike FABIAN
Subject: [gnugo-devel] 2 small patches for gnugo.el from gnugo 3.7.2
Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2005 21:32:13 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.1006 (Gnus v5.10.6) XEmacs/21.5 (chestnut, linux)

First patch "mouse-2-dont-insert-junk.patch":

When accidentally clicking the middle mouse button instead of the left
mouse button to make a move, junk text is inserted into the Goban. I
think the easiest way to prevent this is to bind the middle mouse
button to make a move as well.

Second patch "xemacs.patch":

This is a first try to make gnugo.el (from gnugo 3.7.2) work with

First problem: 'split-string' apparently behaves differently in XEmacs
and Emacs, for example:

    (split-string "" " ") -> ("")

    (split-string "" " ") -> nil

I tried to solve that by introducing a compatibility wrapper
around split string.

Second problem:

XEmacs doesn't have a function 'window-edges'. But apparently
'window-edges' isn't really needed in gnugo.el, 'window-width' seems
to work fine for both XEmacs and Emacs.

This patch doesn't yet make the graphical interface work in XEmacs,
the functions for inline-images are quite a bit different as well. But
at least the ASCII text interface works in XEmacs with that patch.

If I have time, I'll try to make the graphics work as well.

diff -ru gnugo-3.7.2.orig/interface/gnugo.el gnugo-3.7.2/interface/gnugo.el
--- gnugo-3.7.2.orig/interface/gnugo.el 2005-01-20 00:25:34.000000000 +0100
+++ gnugo-3.7.2/interface/gnugo.el      2005-01-31 20:41:14.713505572 +0100
@@ -2115,6 +2115,7 @@
             ("F"        . gnugo-display-final-score)
             ;; mouse
             ([(down-mouse-1)] . gnugo-mouse-move)
+           ([(down-mouse-2)] . gnugo-mouse-move)
             ([(down-mouse-3)] . gnugo-mouse-pass))))
 (unless (get 'help :gnugo-gtp-command-spec)
diff -ru gnugo-3.7.2.orig/interface/gnugo.el gnugo-3.7.2/interface/gnugo.el
--- gnugo-3.7.2.orig/interface/gnugo.el 2005-01-20 00:25:34.000000000 +0100
+++ gnugo-3.7.2/interface/gnugo.el      2005-01-31 20:28:29.465803797 +0100
@@ -277,6 +277,17 @@
   (defvar gnugo-xpms nil))
+;;; In case XEmacs/Emacs compatibility
+(defun gnugo-split-string (string &optional separators)
+  (if (not (featurep 'xemacs))
+      (split-string string separators)
+    (let ((retval (split-string string separators)))
+      (if (equal retval '(""))
+         nil
+       retval))))
 ;;; In case Emacs is lacking
 (unless (fboundp 'delete-dups)
@@ -808,8 +819,8 @@
             (flet ((ls (color) (mapcar
                                 (lambda (x)
                                   (cons (list color)
-                                        (split-string x)))
-                                (split-string
+                                        (gnugo-split-string x)))
+                                (gnugo-split-string
                                  (gnugo-query "worm_stones %s"
@@ -824,7 +835,7 @@
                     color (match-string 2 dd)
                     start (match-end 0)
                     ent (cons (list color)
-                              (sort (split-string
+                              (sort (gnugo-split-string
                                      (gnugo-query "dragon_stones %s" mem))
               (string-match "\nstatus[ ]+\\(\\(ALIVE\\)\\|[A-Z]+\\)\n"
@@ -975,9 +986,7 @@
                         (round (* size (gnugo-get :hmul)))
-             (edges (window-edges window))
-             (right-w-edge (nth 2 edges))
-             (avail-width (- right-w-edge (nth 0 edges)))
+             (avail-width (window-width))
              (w (/ (- avail-width
                       (+ (* size (gnugo-get :wmul))
                          (if (symbol-plist (gnugo-f 'ispc))
@@ -1156,13 +1165,13 @@
                       (format "%s %s" command (gnugo-position))))))
     (unless (= ?= (aref stones 0))
       (error stones))
-    (setq stones (split-string (substring stones 1)))
+    (setq stones (gnugo-split-string (substring stones 1)))
     (message "Computing %s ... %s in group." command (length stones))
     (setplist (gnugo-f 'anim) nil)
     (let* ((spec (let ((spec
-                        ;; `(split-string gnugo-animation-string "" t)'
+                        ;; `(gnugo-split-string gnugo-animation-string "" t)'
                         ;; works as well, for newer emacs versions
-                        (delete "" (split-string gnugo-animation-string ""))))
+                        (delete "" (gnugo-split-string gnugo-animation-string 
                    (cond ((gnugo-get :display-using-images)
                           (let* ((yin (get-text-property (point) 'gnugo-yin))
                                  (yang (gnugo-yang (char-after)))
@@ -1292,8 +1301,8 @@
 by how many stones)."
   (message "Est.score ...")
-  (let ((black (length (split-string (gnugo-query "list_stones black"))))
-        (white (length (split-string (gnugo-query "list_stones white"))))
+  (let ((black (length (gnugo-split-string (gnugo-query "list_stones black"))))
+        (white (length (gnugo-split-string (gnugo-query "list_stones white"))))
         (black-captures (gnugo-query "captures black"))
         (white-captures (gnugo-query "captures white"))
         (est (gnugo-query "estimate_score")))
@@ -1348,8 +1357,8 @@
   "Start a new sgf tree"
   (gnugo-put :sgf-tree (list (list)))
   (let ((g-blackp (string= "black" (gnugo-get :gnugo-color)))
-       (black-stones (split-string (gnugo-query "list_stones black") " "))
-       (white-stones (split-string (gnugo-query "list_stones white") " ")))
+       (black-stones (gnugo-split-string (gnugo-query "list_stones black") " 
+       (white-stones (gnugo-split-string (gnugo-query "list_stones white") " 
     (mapc (lambda (x) (apply 'gnugo-note x))
           `((:GM 1)
             (:FF 4)                     ; hmm maybe better: 3
@@ -1390,8 +1399,8 @@
   (gnugo-command (format "loadsgf %s" (expand-file-name filename)))
   (let* ((colorhistory 
-          (lambda (x) (split-string x " ")) 
-          (split-string 
+          (lambda (x) (gnugo-split-string x " ")) 
+          (gnugo-split-string 
            (cdr (gnugo-synchronous-send/return "move_history")) "[=\n]")))
         (k (length colorhistory)))
     (unless (equal colorhistory '(nil)) ; empty move history gives this
@@ -1418,10 +1427,10 @@
                (string= "PASS" 
                         (nth 1 
-                             (split-string (gnugo-query "last_move") " ")))))
+                             (gnugo-split-string (gnugo-query "last_move") " 
     (if (equal
-         (split-string 
+         (gnugo-split-string 
           (cdr (gnugo-synchronous-send/return "undo")) " ")) "?")
        (error "cannot undo")
       (gnugo-put :future-history
@@ -1590,8 +1599,8 @@
    first time the function is run, you will be prompted for the
    path to that directory."
   (interactive "sTest: ")
-  (let* ((file (car (split-string test ":")))
-       (testnumber (nth 1 (split-string test ":")))
+  (let* ((file (car (gnugo-split-string test ":")))
+       (testnumber (nth 1 (gnugo-split-string test ":")))
        (gnugo-buffer (current-buffer))
        (file-already-open nil))
     (unless gnugo-regression-directory
@@ -1622,7 +1631,7 @@
-          (first-line-split (split-string first-line)))
+          (first-line-split (gnugo-split-string first-line)))
       ; don't close the file if the user was visiting it
       (unless file-already-open (kill-buffer (current-buffer)))
       (switch-to-buffer gnugo-buffer)
@@ -1690,8 +1699,8 @@
              (terr-q (format "final_status_list %%s_territory %d" seed))
              (terr   "territory")
              (capt   "captures")
-             (b-terr (length (split-string (gnugo-query terr-q "black"))))
-             (w-terr (length (split-string (gnugo-query terr-q "white"))))
+             (b-terr (length (gnugo-split-string (gnugo-query terr-q 
+             (w-terr (length (gnugo-split-string (gnugo-query terr-q 
              (b-capt (string-to-number (gnugo-get :black-captures)))
              (w-capt (string-to-number (gnugo-get :white-captures)))
              (komi   (gnugo-get :komi)))
@@ -1794,7 +1803,7 @@
   (interactive "sCommand: ")
   (if (string= "" command)
       (message "(no command given)")
-    (let* ((split (split-string command))
+    (let* ((split (gnugo-split-string command))
            (cmd (intern (car split)))
            (spec (get cmd :gnugo-gtp-command-spec))
            (full (plist-get spec :full))
@@ -1959,7 +1968,7 @@
     (gnugo-put :rules (if (string-match "--chinese-rules" args)
-    (let ((proc-args (split-string args)))
+    (let ((proc-args (gnugo-split-string args)))
       (gnugo-put :proc-args proc-args)
       (gnugo-put :proc (apply 'start-process "gnugo" nil name
                               "--mode" "gtp" "--quiet"
Mike FABIAN   <address@hidden>

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