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Re: UK-TUG constitution

From: MJ Ray
Subject: Re: UK-TUG constitution
Date: Mon, 26 May 2008 10:17:46 +0100
User-agent: Heirloom mailx 12.2 01/07/07

Davi Leal <address@hidden> wrote:
> Dave Crossland wrote:
> > Davi Leal:
> > > A quick look at the UK-TUG constitution [1] could be interesting.
> > >
> > >  [1]
> > >      Ref. from:
> >
> > I'm also on the UKTUG committee and we've just sent out the 4th draft
> > to members; its based on the UK Charities Commission model charter,
> > iirc.
> IMHO the GNU Herds project must be never in a hurry, but follow improving 
> slowly but surely based on the people contributions.

Beware that model charter.  It has a few key undefineds, such as:
What happens if members join during the notice period of a meeting?
Who is the final decision-maker on interpreting the charter?

I used a previous version of that model charter for the UK's
Association For Free Software, so much of the criticism of it is
on-line.  Steve McIntyre (now Debian project leader) called it a
"train-wreck" which I think was a bit strong, but it was buggy.

Otherwise, there were three types of problem:
  1. people attempting to "play" the constitution (inevitable?);
  2. attempts to modify the constitution;
  3. initial failure of the executive to adopt working rules.

If I was doing it again, I'd address them by:
  1. self-destructing neatly if people start playing about;
  2. try to avoid modifying it and decide that the oldest or newest
section "wins" if there are inconsistent modifications;
  3. require adoption of working rules for meetings and elections to
be the first act of the executive.

Phil Hands also wrote that 20 was too high a quorum.  The 17 in the
UKTUG one isn't much better.

My history of AFFS up to my resignation is at
If we have 20 AFFS members (probably from 2005!), we could restart it.

MJ Ray (slef)
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