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[Gnumed-devel] Fwd: postgresql cross-database query

From: Tony Lembke
Subject: [Gnumed-devel] Fwd: postgresql cross-database query
Date: Sun, 4 Aug 2002 21:41:41 +1000

Any help for Pascal might reply direct.


Tony L

Begin forwarded message:

From: Pascal Polleunus <address@hidden>
Date: Thu Aug 01, 2002  02:31:14 AM Australia/Sydney
To: address@hidden
Subject: postgresql cross-database query


I found your website (in fact the page via google when trying to find out how to make a cross-database query with postgresql. So I write you because maybe you found a work around for that problem :o)

Well let me explain you briefly my problem... I just need to copy data from one db to another one
INSERT INTO db1.table (x, y)
        SELECT x, y
        FROM db2.table

Sorry to have disturb you and thank you in advance for your reply.

Pascal Polleunus

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