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[Gnumed-devel] GNUmed, google summer of code

From: Sebastian Hilbert
Subject: [Gnumed-devel] GNUmed, google summer of code
Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2006 18:28:51 +0200
User-agent: KMail/1.9.1

Hi !

I am currently involved in GNUmed's development. While thinking about projects 
for Google's summer of code I found your site 
( . Absolutely teriffic.

Anyway. I looked around to see what can be done but I am not sure I understand 
the whole depth of your protocol.

I see I can write a client to talk to other emrs/servers that speak HXP. I 
would like to know if ay effort has been undertake to simplify the process of 
chosing which hxp-server to talk to.

Here is what I have in mind.

There a three doctors. Two use GNUmed, one uses care2x. Patient shows up at 
one of the GNUmed practices. Doctor there asks him about other doctors the 
patient has seen and learns about the one that uses care2x.

He now wants to get as much validated information about that patient as 
possible. Firing up GNUmed he could connect to the care2x HXP server and get 

The question is. Is there any client to chose the other practice from ? I 
imagine something like an instant messenger client which lets you see/search 
for that other practice. Once you pick the other practice from the buddy list 
the hxp connection would be established and data exchange could take place.

I am thinking about a jabber client here since that InstantMessenger protocol 
is open source.

Next question is. Is it possible to request complete records ?. I imagine 
sending a request to the other server and it that patient exists over there I 
would like to automatically create that patient in GNUmed. Sounds doable. 
Sebastian Hilbert 
Leipzig / Germany
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