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Re: [Gnumed-devel] GNUmed download & installation problems

From: Sebastian Hilbert
Subject: Re: [Gnumed-devel] GNUmed download & installation problems
Date: Thu, 27 Sep 2007 21:10:27 +0200
User-agent: KMail/1.9.6 (enterprise 20070731.694771)

On Donnerstag 27 September 2007, J Busser wrote:
> Hi Guys
> Boy, have I been having an unhappy time!
> 1. is now a link
> farm. I cannot find the iso, just a bunch of "sponsored links" and
> then on the left page navbar for "Related searches" where, if you
> click "Gnumed", gives "Sponsored listings for Gnumed".

Yes I will remove the link for now. It is outdated anyway
> 2. I tried both the (Windows) Portable apps with the
> GnumedPortableClient,
Forget this one.

> and also tried the regular clients under 
> Windows (both 2.6.x and, after uninstalling 2.6.x from the Start...
> menu, the 2.7.x)... the regular clients after having installed the
> "prerequisites" from the conveniently downloadable bundle.
> ... in all cases (Portable + regular 2.6.x + 2.7.x) I get only a
> flash of a screen. Then nothing. I can try another machine later but
> I am not optimistic.
I have had a few reports of success and I am pretty sure I know what is 
happening. The video is in German only but it shows a few corner cases.

Please do the following. Start menue --> GNUmed --> client --> right click and 
copy the start command from this dialog

start --> run --> type 'cmd'. paste the command you copied into the black box 
that appeared when you typed 'cmd'

I guess python in not in your path. You need to add it via preferences

> ... I will try getting Debian 4.0 Etch installed as a vm on my Mac
> (under Parallels) but will first have to sort out some issues with
> the Debian vm in one case having trouble establishing network
> connectivity and in another case failing apt-get install on account
> of insisting that I provide a CD by a name to which I cannot find any
> reference on any Debian site and which I am not sure ought to be
> necessary. I would not have thought it a /sources problem because the
> same vm was able to run apt-get update, unless it is a difference
> between what Debian needs and where Debian looks, when it is a
> package missing from the base Debian installation.
On debian it works for sure. On Ubuntu as well. Mac is no problem program 
wise. One just needs to install the prerequisites as mentioned in our wiki 
and use the tgz. unpack it and run the shell script as a user. 

I am pretty sure it works but noone has tested it yet. Producing a Mac bundle 
is no problem either, technically. It's just that with the bundle GNUmed uses 
the system wide python while this lacks essential modules which are only 
available through the users own python installation. I am sure this can be 
fixed but I just didn't get around doing it. 

Sebastian Hilbert 
Leipzig / Germany
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