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Re: [Gnumed-devel] Medication viewing

From: Karsten Hilbert
Subject: Re: [Gnumed-devel] Medication viewing
Date: Sun, 1 Nov 2009 09:14:45 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.20 (2009-06-14)

On Fri, Oct 30, 2009 at 03:11:29PM -0700, Jim Busser wrote:

> Actually, now that you clarify / reaffirm that current medication
> rows (substances)
> - were only ever intended to be present in the table for as long as
> each was in the state-of-believed-to-be-used and
> not-yet-confirmed-to-be-stopped (because there may have been no
> intent to stop, maybe the supply lapsed or maybe they got more
> medication from a spouse or another doctor)
> - are to be deleted upon recognition / confirmation of no-longer-
> currently-being-used
> Then there is at minimum a deletion step that is required.

That's right.

> So the options for this step are:
> 1) simple:
> - provide a Delete button which would apply to item(s) highlighted
> at the time:

We do in the plugin.

>       "Remove item(s) from the Current medication list?"
> - if confirmed,

Yes, we will have a confirmation dialog.

> the items are deleted in the same transaction as
> they are copied into the Audit table in a row that records the
> datetime

This happens by design.

> without any further user interaction except should users
> first edit to make each row as currently-informative/accurate as
> possible and *then* delete?

This may be prudent.

> Maybe the button should be Remove and
> maybe it should warn the user if any selected rows were carrying old
> information i.e.
>       if modified_when was within the past 6 or even 24 hours maybe it is
> accurate
>       if modified_when is null then it maybe deserves the above warning?

That cannot happen. At a minimum modified_when would be the
timestamp of the creation of the row.

> 2) better:
> - make it possible to confirm/enter details like last_used and the
> state of discontinuation
>       - tolerability issue
>       - lack of finances -- not a subtype of tolerability?
>       - insufficiently effective
>       - combination of above
>       - not needed

Please document this for later expansion of this functionality.

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