%META:TOPICINFO{author="JamesBusser" date="1113322630" format="1.0" version="1.1"}% %META:TOPICPARENT{name="PrescribingReports"}% ---+ Prescribing Abbreviations ---+++ Glossary of Abbreviated Latin Prescription Terms | Abbreviation | Full Name | |aa, ana | of each | |a.c. | before meals (or food) | | ad lib. | at pleasure | | aeq., aequal. | equal | | alb. | white | | amp. | ampoule | | aq. ad | water up to | | aur. dext. | in (or to) the right ear | | aur. laev. (or sinist.) | in (or to) the left ear | | b.i.d. (or b.d.) | twice daily | | c., c, cum | with | | caps. | capsule | | chart. | powder (wrapped) | | collyr. | eye water | | d. | day | | d.t.d. | let such doses be sent | | dos. | dose | | et | and | | ex (or in) aq. | in water | | Ext. | extract | | F., f., ft. | make, let it (them) be made | | F.s.a. | make according to the art | | fl. | fluid | | flav. | yellow | | fort. | strong | | gtt. | drop(s) | | h.s. | at bedtime | | h.s.s. | to be taken at bedtime | | ibid | in the same place | | i.c. | between meals | | idem | the same | | lev. | light | | liq. | solution, liquid | | lin. | liniment | | lot. | lotion | | m.d., mod. dict. | as directed | | m.d.a. | to be applied as directed | | m.d.s. | to be taken as directed | | M.D.S. | mix, dispense, label | | m.d.u. | to be used as directed | | M., ft. mist. (caps.) (ung.) | let a mixture (capsule) (ointment) be made | | mitis | mild | | Mitte talis | send of such | | moll. | soft | | neb. | nebula, spray | | ne rep., non rep. | do not repeat | | no. | (in number) | | nocte | (at) night | | N.P., nom. prop. | by its proper name | | O. | pint | | Ocul. | eye | | Oculent. | eye ointment | | O.d. | in the right eye | | O.h., om.h. | every hour | | O.h. 2(ii), 3(iii), etc. | every two, three hours | | O.l., o.s. | in the left eye | | O.m., om.m., om. man. | every morning | | O.n., om.n., om. noct. | every night | | Opt. | best | | O.u. | in each eye | | parv. | small | | past. | paste or pastille | | p.c. | after meals (food) | | P.E. | powdered extract | | per os | orally, by mouth | | pil. | pill | | pond. | heavy | | P.P.A. | shake the bottle first | | ppt. | precipitate(d) | | pro | for | | p.r.n. | when (as) required | | pulv. | powder(ed) | | q.d. | every day | | q.2d. | every 2 days | | q.i.d. | four times daily | | qq.h. or q.h. | every hour | | qq.2h. or q.2h. | every 2 hours | | qq.q.h. or q.q.h. or q.4h. | every 4 hours | | q.s. | a sufficient quantity | | rep. | repeat | | s.a. | according to art | | s.n., suo nom. | by its own name | | s.o.s. | if necessary | | Sp., Spt. | spirit | | s., sig., signa | label | | ss., ss | one-half | | stat. | at once | | supp. | suppository | | syr. | syrup | | tab. | tablet | | tal. | such | | t.d.s. | to be taken three times daily | | t.i.d. or t.d. | three times daily | | t.i.d.a.c. | three times daily before meals | | Tinct., Tr. | tincture | | tuss. | cough | | ung. | ointment | | ut dict., u.d. | as directed | %META:FILEATTACHMENT{name="abbreviations.txt" attr="" comment="Non-wiki version of the glossary" date="1113322859" path="abbreviations.txt" size="2207" user="JamesBusser" version="1.1"}%