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[Gnumed-update] - when cleaning up cfgSQL.set() I screwed up, fixed

From: ihaywood
Subject: [Gnumed-update] - when cleaning up cfgSQL.set() I screwed up, fixed
Date: Wed, 25 Aug 2004 00:00:19 -0400

Commit from ncq (2004-08-24 09:40 EDT)

- when cleaning up cfgSQL.set() I screwed up, fixed

  gnumed  gnumed/client/pycommon/  1.21

Commit from ncq (2004-08-24 10:27 EDT)

- improve __normalize_soundalikes()
- fix nasty bug: missing ] resulting in endless logging
- prepare search on external id

  gnumed  gnumed/client/business/  1.52

Commit from ncq (2004-08-24 10:28 EDT)

- cleanup

  gnumed  gnumed/client/wxpython/gui/  1.10

Commit from ncq (2004-08-24 10:29 EDT)

- some cleanup, not there yet, though

  gnumed  gnumed/client/wxpython/  1.40

Commit from ncq (2004-08-24 11:41 EDT)

- eventually force patient pick list to stay on top
  as suggested by Robin Dunn

  gnumed  gnumed/client/wxpython/  1.3

Commit from ncq (2004-08-24 15:15 EDT)

- __normalize_soundalikes() -> __normalize() + improve (apostrophy/hyphen)

  gnumed  gnumed/client/business/  1.53

Commit from sjtan (2004-08-24 19:05 EDT)

febrl connecting scripts.

+ gnumed  gnumed/test-area/febrl/clean-gnumed-demo.sql               1.1
+ gnumed  gnumed/test-area/febrl/                 1.1
+ gnumed  gnumed/test-area/febrl/                    1.1
+ gnumed  gnumed/test-area/febrl/                          1.1
+ gnumed  gnumed/test-area/febrl/                      1.1
+ gnumed  gnumed/test-area/febrl/  1.1
+ gnumed  gnumed/test-area/febrl/  1.1
+ gnumed  gnumed/test-area/febrl/             1.1
+ gnumed  gnumed/test-area/febrl/reclink.sql                         1.1
+ gnumed  gnumed/test-area/febrl/v_febrl_demo_read_au.sql            1.1
+ gnumed  gnumed/test-area/febrl/README.txt                          1.1

Commit from sjtan (2004-08-24 19:12 EDT)
----------------- and run in febrl root directory.

  gnumed  gnumed/test-area/febrl/README.txt  1.2

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