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[Gnumed-update] - some cleanup [...]

From: ihaywood
Subject: [Gnumed-update] - some cleanup [...]
Date: Tue, 07 Sep 2004 00:00:18 -0400

Commit from ncq (2004-09-06 14:54 EDT)

- some cleanup
- in get_first/last_encounter we do need to check issue/episode for None so
  we won't be applying the "one-item -> two-duplicate-items for IN query" trick
  to "None" which would yield the wrong results

  gnumed  gnumed/client/business/  1.137

Commit from ncq (2004-09-06 14:55 EDT)

- a bunch of cleanups re get_historical_tree()

  gnumed  gnumed/client/exporters/  1.28

Commit from ncq (2004-09-06 14:56 EDT)

- improve inline docs

  gnumed  gnumed/client/pycommon/  1.26

Commit from ncq (2004-09-06 14:57 EDT)

- Carlos pluginized the lot ! :-)
- plus some fixes/tabified it

  gnumed  gnumed/client/wxpython/  1.5

Commit from ncq (2004-09-06 14:59 EDT)

- Carlos wrote a plugin wrapper for us

+ gnumed  gnumed/client/wxpython/gui/  1.1

Commit from ncq (2004-09-06 15:00 EDT)

- we don't use that anymore, it was too confusing

- gnumed  gnumed/client/wxpython/gui/plugins.conf.sample  1.5

Commit from ncq (2004-09-06 18:15 EDT)

- tighten constraints in cfg_item

  gnumed  gnumed/server/sql/gmconfiguration.sql  1.33

Commit from ncq (2004-09-06 18:15 EDT)

- add v_cfg_opts_numeric/string/str_array + grants

  gnumed  gnumed/server/sql/gmConfigViews.sql  1.2

Commit from ncq (2004-09-06 18:18 EDT)

- eventually fix the get/setDBParam(), at least it appears to work

  gnumed  gnumed/client/pycommon/  1.23

Commit from ncq (2004-09-06 18:19 EDT)

- some cleanup

  gnumed  gnumed/client/pycommon/  1.27

Commit from ncq (2004-09-06 18:21 EDT)

- properly use setDBParam()
- store sidebar.width if not found

  gnumed  gnumed/client/wxpython/  1.172

Commit from ncq (2004-09-06 18:22 EDT)

- properly use setDBParam()

  gnumed  gnumed/client/wxpython/  1.7
  gnumed  gnumed/client/wxpython/            1.34

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