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Re: gnustep-make experiment

From: Matt Rice
Subject: Re: gnustep-make experiment
Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2007 12:15:06 -0800
User-agent: GNUMail (Version 1.2.0)

On 2007-01-24 11:10:24 -0800 Nicola Pero <address@hidden> wrote:

It's not stricty GDL2 in this case but ./configure of GDL2 which want to
tweak make file fragments dependent on what's available.  So maybe we
need some tool in the path to query the values.  Something like
gnustep-config akin to apxs and xml2-config.

Such a tool/shell script would be good. Presumably it's also what Matt was really looking for ?

I think it would be a good addition. The tool would check if GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES is set, if it is, it would then source and iterate over whatever dirs you want to
iterate over to check if libraries are there ?

sort of what i was looking for, and this is what the gnustep.pc basically does (I didn't add the -I/-L/-l stuff which is what pkg-config is normally for though) just if its going to be supported to compile with only $GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES set stuff _will_ need access to the older variables that were previously available

but it doesn't depend upon GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES or any ivars, being generated when you configure make. so if you want multiple gnustep.pc's lying around you'll need to fiddle with

$ pkg-config gnustep --variable=system_root

pkg-config gnustep --variable=system_root

so the idea was we replace all the environment variables with that we install gnustep.pc by default into somewhere pkg-config will find it, then people who want
non-standard stuff fiddle with it can set PKG_CONFIG_PATH
but it should just work by default

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