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Re: NSTimeZone timeZoneWithName: unit test fails unnecessarily

From: Robert Slover
Subject: Re: NSTimeZone timeZoneWithName: unit test fails unnecessarily
Date: Fri, 14 Jun 2013 14:10:38 -0400

I've been through this with Java applications - had a customer setting time 
zone to 'GB' and all sorts of things were breaking with third-party Java 
components distributed with our app. Turns out it isn't an official Olsen time 
zone abbreviation nor is it a POSIX one - just a locally traditional one. Some 
OSs do have it in their zones database (on Solaris, it is a hard link to 
Europe/London and a few others). Others do not. Java, like GNUStep, ships its 
own zones database - but the Java one does not contain GB. Switching to 
Europe/London worked.

Some timezone-related arcanum you might be interested in: make sure your 
default system time zone info file is copied into the corresponding location 
inside any jail. At least on Linux, there are weird date/time shifts 
encountered if you don't do this - SFTP running inside the jail is one instance 
in which this shows up.

Another frustrating thing about time zones, at least on Linux, is determining 
what the system time zone actually is if you need to display it to a user (TZ 
isn't set on most systems). A formatted time only includes the appropriate 
abbreviation (so for example America/New_York and US/East-Indiana currently 
format the time zone as EDT), which is non-unique. On RHEL, the /etc/localtime 
file is a copy (for good reasons) of whatever the sysadmin originally picked 
when setting the system up, but it has lost its name, and the file itself is 
non-unique. One can munge through /usr/share/zoneinfo looking for equivalents, 
but there are often more than one. Since the names usually follow political 
boundaries, a heuristic like picking the first match is hazardous - not so much 
inside the US, but even here, it might make a difference to someone if 
"US/Mountain" is displayed when they chose "Navajo". I have yet to find a good 
solution - I use a more complex heuristic but first look for a match out of the 
possibilities against the ZONE assignment in /etc/sysconfig/clock. I hate this 
though - it is so system-specific. 


On Jun 14, 2013, at 11:40, Frank Rehwinkel <address@hidden> wrote:

> The GNUstep-base make check for NSTimeZone's +timeZoneWithName: is based on 
> an invalid assumption.
> As a result, it fails on my FreeBSD 9.1 system (and could give the impression 
> that the class has a bug in it).
> The test is meant to check whether an NSTimeZone can be built from a timezone 
> name.  Turns out when
> it is given a timezone name that matches its platform's zones directory, it 
> works.  The invalid assumption
> is that the sample name picked is going to be found in each platform's zones 
> directory.
> The test that is bundled with GNUstep's core/base uses the @"GB" name.  But 
> on my FreeBSD 9.1 system,
> the /usr/share/zoneinfo directory doesn't have a file with that name.  So the 
> class returns nil and the 
> test reports a failure.
> Ironically, or perhaps not, there is a GB timezone file provided by the 
> GNUstep installation.  But it is not
> left in a directory that the NSTimeZone class looks in first.  The class 
> lookup seems a bit odd.  It uses
> a hardcoded list of possible directories, and just uses the first one that is 
> actually a directory.  If the file
> doesn't exist in that directory, it doesn't bother to check other directories.
> There is the option of building the code with a TZDIR define, but I didn't 
> find an install script or instructions
> for setting it as part of the configuration step.
> NSTimeZone does use the GNUstep supplied directory, for matching my defaults 
> setup of
> 'defaults write NSGlobalDomain "Local Time Zone" America/New_York'.  I 
> noticed that before I had the defaults
> setup, NSLog would cause NSTimeZone to printout a warning that the local 
> timezone wasn't set.
> /usr/GNUstep/Local/Library/Libraries/gnustep-base/Versions/1.24/Resources/NSTimeZones/zones/America/New_York
> Odd that the timeZoneWithName: doesn't use the same lookup mechanism.
> Here's some test code to show that the lookup works when passed a name that 
> can be found.
>     $ cat test00.m
>     #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
>     int main(int argc, char * argv[]){
>         id current;
>         for (NSString *name in
>                     [NSArray arrayWithObjects:
>                         @"GB",  // This one won't be found.
>                         @"EST", // This one will be found.
>                         nil]
>                 ) {
>             current = [NSTimeZone timeZoneWithName: name];
>             NSLog(@"For name:'%@' timezone: address@hidden", name, current);
>         }
>         return 0;
>     }
>     $ ./test00
>     2013-06-14 09:50:45.738 test00[11019] For name:'GB' timezone: (null)
>     2013-06-14 09:50:45.740 test00[11019] For name:'EST' timezone: EST
> And GB is not found because it is not in this FreeBSD directory.
>     $ ls /usr/share/zoneinfo
>     Africa          Australia       Etc             MST             WET
>     America         CET             Europe          MST7MDT         posixrules
>     Antarctica      CST6CDT         Factory         PST8PDT
>     Arctic          EET             HST             Pacific
>     Asia            EST             Indian          SystemV
>     Atlantic        EST5EDT         MET             UTC
> GB would have been found if this directory had been searched.
>     $ ls 
> /usr/GNUstep/Local/Library/Libraries/gnustep-base/Versions/1.24/Resources/NSTimeZones/zones/
>     Africa          Etc             GMT+8           Greenwich       Navajo
>     America         Europe          GMT+9           HST             PRC
>     Antarctica      GB              GMT-0           Hongkong        PST8PDT
>     Arctic          GB-Eire         GMT-1           Iceland         Pacific
>     Asia            GMT             GMT-10          Indian          Poland
>     Atlantic        GMT+0           GMT-11          Iran            Portugal
>     Australia       GMT+1           GMT-12          Israel          ROC
>     Brazil          GMT+10          GMT-13          Jamaica         ROK
>     CET             GMT+11          GMT-14          Japan           Singapore
>     CST6CDT         GMT+12          GMT-2           Kwajalein       Turkey
>     Canada          GMT+13          GMT-3           Libya           UCT
>     Chile           GMT+14          GMT-4           MET             US
>     Cuba            GMT+2           GMT-5           MST             UTC
>     EET             GMT+3           GMT-6           MST7MDT         Universal
>     EST             GMT+4           GMT-7           Mexico          W-SU
>     EST5EDT         GMT+5           GMT-8           Mideast         WET
>     Egypt           GMT+6           GMT-9           NZ              Zulu
>     Eire            GMT+7           GMT0            NZ-CHAT
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