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Re: [Grammatica-users] Grammar for expression...?

From: Yakov Keselman
Subject: Re: [Grammatica-users] Grammar for expression...?
Date: Tue, 19 Dec 2006 09:23:19 -0800 (PST)

If I understand your difficulties correctly, you're unable to come up with a BNF grammar for your scripting language. My suggestion is to learn from "realistic" examples. For example, here is a link to a specificiation of the Java programming language in BNF:
You can also try finding similar specs for other programming languages that you know.
I don't know of any general technique that would allow generating a BNF grammar out of an existing language.
= Yakov

Morten Aune Lyrstad <address@hidden> wrote:
I have downloaded Grammatica for use with my scripting language
Storyteller. I have serious problems understanding the more advanced
grammar. I need to extend the _expression_ grammar you have given in your

_expression_ = Term [ExpressionTail] ;

ExpressionTail = "+" _expression_
| "-" _expression_ ;

Term = Factor [TermTail] ;
TermTail = "*" Term
| "/" Term ;

Factor = Atom
| "(" _expression_ ")" ;


into one that is capable of handling all of a programming language's
common operators, like 'and', 'or', > etc. However, I don't really
understand what is going on here, and because of that I cannot extend
it. Why are the operators divided into two "tails"? And does this
support unary operators? Where should I add my other operators?

I was hoping you could give me a hand?

Thank you,

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