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Re: [Groff] UTP document translation, bloatware, and MS Offfice

From: Richard Loken
Subject: Re: [Groff] UTP document translation, bloatware, and MS Offfice
Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2002 17:16:47 -0600 (MDT)

On Mon, 26 Aug 2002, [iso-8859-1] Alejandro L?pez-Valencia wrote:

> > I am reading the strangest things on this list today and I will cite them
> > out of context and without credit,
> >
> > "[re: mm docs] if you MS Office see..."

> knowledge. It so happens that most publishers *require* authors to submit
> their electronic copy in MS Word these days, and those files are the
> original author copy for the text processing chapters in the book I

Yes, the world gets stranger every day so it only makes sense that publishers
want MS Word submissions.  I noticed about 15 years ago that academics who
bought a desktop publishing package now thought that they were layout artists
so now even the publishers think that everybody with a copy of Word is a
layout artist.  There are still authors who insist on writing their work by
hand but they are sufficiently popular that their editors don't dare demand
word documents.

We need a mangler that translates troff into Word...  Staroffice mangles stuff
into Word format but you might as well use Word in the first place, besides,
Staroffice won't run on my VMS workstation but Groff and Ghostscript will.
   Richard Loken VE6BSV, Systems Programmer - VMS  
   Athabasca University
   Athabasca, Alberta Canada
   ** address@hidden **

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