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Re: [Groff] Building a troff parser

From: Steffen Nurpmeso
Subject: Re: [Groff] Building a troff parser
Date: Fri, 27 Feb 2015 11:31:36 +0100
User-agent: s-nail v14.7.11-208-gc14db07-dirty

 |> I'm interested in building a troff parser to extract information from
 |> manpages (e.g. what do the flags mean when we say `rm -rf *`?).

For the mdocmx(7) project i have written a simple mdoc(7) parser
in awk(1), the entire thing 18966 bytes but that includes comments
and a shell wrapper that finds awk(1)s and ensures signal safe
temporary file lifetime for usage in (man(1)ual) pipes.
Also many lines for table-of-content handling.
It has comments and shouldn't be too hard to follow (and note it
even supports """Bla""" quoting that is not even mentioned in the
official mdoc(7) manual).  Works with [nmg]awk(1).

An older version is in the groff@ archive (before christmas 2014),
the last (rather identical regarding awk(1)) is only in my S-roff
repo for now, at [1] or [2] (root directory [not yet sorted in]).
Dependent on what you want it may be a starting point.



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