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Re: [PATCH] use UUIDs for cross-disk installs (Re: Issue with boot != ro

From: Isaac Dupree
Subject: Re: [PATCH] use UUIDs for cross-disk installs (Re: Issue with boot != root and chainloading)
Date: Sun, 03 Aug 2008 13:04:05 -0400
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20080724)

Robert Millan wrote:
Then again, on BIOS we only use UUIDs when the situation is desperate, like on
a cross-disk install.  If you're concerned about security and/or reliability,
don't do cross-disk installs.

that's good

This line of thinking is what is commonly used to justify draconian measures
(i.e. Treacherous Computing) but it doesn't make any sense.  If your security
policy is such that you don't trust users with physical access

I'm actually a little more worried about the combination of overworked/confused sysadmins making mistakes, and GRUB (potentially) not being completely deterministic in the face of additional drives (which is inherently confusing because it rarely matters). And some of my situations are hit-or-miss anyway: if you (the intrepid user trying to boot from CD) don't even trust the contents of the hard disk, most likely the BIOS or boot process could be corrupted too. I suppose I haven't yet seen any duplicate UUIDs, even including FAT ids, so I shouldn't worry so much.

Anyway, I *don't* wish to trust the random CDs and USB drives I plug in without my explicit say-so, and that's been true at least on the Mac for years and years before TPM chips became common, probably even before CDs became common. The point is that giving my explicit say-so is easy. The way I interpret that in the case of a bootloader that's not built in but that's on one of the drives, is that GRUB only trusts the drive it's on (and the RAM, CPU etc.) by default, or whatever configuration of hardware you want to specify allowing in grub.cfg? (Or maybe just a well-defined search order is sufficient -- but it would be odd to find something identified by UUID on a different disk than it was originally, so the user might want to be asked if all is as s/he intended.) Of course at GRUB commandline you can still boot from CD! Locking away GRUB's powers from its user is a completely different matter!

try any of
the following:

  - Crypt your whole disk.  Have your /boot in a usb drive you carry with you.

(well, I do crypt my home-directory with LUKS and a long random password made with physical dice, which would be a decent way of keeping someone who steals my computer from reading/changing my documents, except that I hardly ever shut down my computer. Besides that LUKS password, and my very short login passwords, my computer trusts the user-with-physical-access completely.)

  - Remove your CD drive and unexpose USB slots (use locks or if really paranoid
    sink your board in concrete).

Hehe, those are completely unnecessary, me choosing "don't ever insert CD or USB" is quite sufficient. I trust myself even when I don't trust my computer to do what I naively believe it should do. But never inserting CD/USB makes it infinitely harder for me to use CD/USB! (for innocuous data purposes -- I tend to assume that data can't have viruses in it because Linux programs aren't very buggy, which is perhaps a foolish assumption. But it's in contrast to booting something on bare hardware, which requires no software bugs (on my hard disk) in order to modify my system.).

So-called "Trusted" Computing is just a blatant excuse to steal your music and
your documents.  Don't drink the kool aid.

I was a bit worried that my using words like "genuine" and "trust" and "attacker" was going to make people think "oh no, DRM!", which is when I have software that doesn't trust me (eeek!), rather than vice versa (in my experience, I could only trust my computer completely if I knew exactly what all software on it was supposed to *do* and it was bug-free, because no computer interface in history has been perfectly safe and undo-able). Actually I suppose I was describing something a little more subtle: software that doesn't trust other software (unless I say so, which is an important "unless"). But it's just like in Linux: software run as "root" doesn't trust most other software unless I say "sudo", which is a tricky way of making sure overly helpful user-level software doesn't try to mess with my system behind my back; which works because that software doesn't think it knows my password. Luckily, programs don't "helpfully" try to memorize my login password, because it's obvious to their devs that *that's* insecure, and some people have heavier security needs that deserve passwords that have significant strength. "Attacker" is just such a convenient description. Many issues that can be caused by an attacker can be caused with somewhat less likelihood by mistake or complicated situation, and can be treated as ordinary design issues.

Understanding how each computer works, helps; DRM harms.

Or use a crypto module where you load a key from a secure environment and use
that to implement measurement during boot.  The TPM could have become such
module, but they decided to cripple it by:

  a) Loading the key themselves.
  b) Not giving you a copy of the key.

I still hope sooner or later a sane company (that is, one that understands
basic rights like ownership) will manufacture modules for this purpose.

I suppose (if it existed), that would help tell me whether I had actually booted the GRUB that I'd meant to boot. But I don't understand how hardware-level encryption works well enough. (Anyway, from everything I've heard about its special capabilities, it can't even detect when the inevitable security flaws in the software you're using are being exploited! kaboom, any assumptions about what that means for the system's state go out the window!)


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