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Re: Pasting from the clipboard in guile-gtk

From: Neil Jerram
Subject: Re: Pasting from the clipboard in guile-gtk
Date: 20 Oct 2000 16:41:00 +0100

>>>>> "Ariel" == Ariel Rios <address@hidden> writes:

    >> In a guile-gtk program, how can I bind a keystroke for entry
    >> and text fields so that the keystroke will paste the current
    >> clipboard contents into the field?
    Ariel> Copy and Paste keystrokes are already available for those
    Ariel> widgets. CTL+C copy, CTL+V pastes, CTL+x cuts

So they are...  Except that one case - which happens to be the only
one that I needed before posting - doesn't work.

Namely, copying in an xterm (e.g. by double-clicking a word) or in
Emacs (M-w) and pasting into guile-gtk.

The following cases all work:
- copy in guile-gtk, paste in xterm
- copy in guile-gtk, paste in emacs
- copy in guile-gtk, paste in another field of same guile-gtk
- copy in guile-gtk, paste in a second instance of guile-gtk.

But I'd really like copying from xterm/emacs to work as well.  Does
the design cover this case?


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