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02/02: website: Add post about Software Heritage.

From: Ludovic Courtčs
Subject: 02/02: website: Add post about Software Heritage.
Date: Fri, 29 Mar 2019 10:40:47 -0400 (EDT)

civodul pushed a commit to branch master
in repository guix-artwork.

commit 182d2051a8039d0e85ebc1942a187539720fd6d2
Author: Ludovic Courtès <address@hidden>
Date:   Fri Mar 29 15:30:39 2019 +0100

    website: Add post about Software Heritage.
    * website/posts/ New file.
    * website/static/blog/img/software-heritage-logo-title.svg: New file.
 website/posts/                          | 264 +++++++++
 .../blog/img/software-heritage-logo-title.svg      | 602 +++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 866 insertions(+)

diff --git a/website/posts/ b/website/posts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6db2c64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/website/posts/
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+title: Connecting reproducible deployment to a long-term source code archive
+author: Ludovic Courtès
+tags: Reproducible builds, Reproducibility, Research, Scheme API
+date: 2019-03-29 15:50:00
+GNU Guix can be used as a “package manager” to install and upgrade
+software packages as is familiar to GNU/Linux users, or as an
+environment manager, but it can also provision containers or virtual
+machines, and manage the operating system running on your machine.
+One foundation that sets it apart from other tools in these areas is
+_reproducibility_.  From a high-level view, Guix allows users to
+_declare_ complete software environments and instantiate them.  They can
+share those environments with others, which can replicate them or adapt
+them to their needs.  This aspect is key to reproducible computational
+experiments: scientists need to reproduce software environments before
+they can reproduce experimental results, and this is one of the things
+we are focusing on in the context of the
+[Guix-HPC]( effort.  At a lower
+level, the project, along with others in the [Reproducible
+Builds]( community, is working to ensure
+that software build outputs are [reproducible,
+Work on reproducibility at all levels has been making great progress.
+Guix for instance allows you to [travel back in
+That Guix can travel back in time _and_ build software reproducibly is a
+great step forward.  But there’s still an important piece that’s missing
+to make this viable: a stable source code archive.  This is where
+[Software Heritage]( (SWH for short)
+comes in.
+# When source code vanishes
+Guix contains thousands of package definitions.  Each [package
+specifies the package’s source code URL and hash, the package’s
+dependencies, and its build procedure.  Most of the time, the package’s
+source code is an archive (a “tarball”) fetched from a web site, but
+more and more frequently the source code is a specific revision checked
+out directly from a version control system.
+The obvious question, then, is: what happens if the source code URL
+becomes unreachable?  The whole reproducibility endeavor collapses when
+source code disappears.  And source code _does_ disappear, or, even
+worse, it can be modified in place.  At GNU we’re doing a good job of
+having stable hosting that keeps releases around “forever”, unchanged
+(modulo rare exceptions).  But a lot of free software out there is
+hosted on personal web pages with a short lifetime and on commercial
+hosting services that come and go.
+By default Guix would look up source code by hash in the caches of our
+build farms.  This comes for free: the [“substitute”
+extends to all “build artifacts”, including downloads.  However, with
+limited capacity, our build farms do not keep all the source code of all
+the packages for a long time.  Thus, one could very well find themself
+unable to rebuild a package months or years later, simply because its
+source code disappeared or moved to a different location.
+# Connecting to the archive
+It quickly became clear that reproducible builds had “reproducible
+source code downloads”, so to speak, as a prerequisite.  The Software
+Heritage archive is the missing piece that would finally allow us to
+reproduce software environments years later in spite of the volatility
+of code hosting sites.  Software Heritage’s mission is to archive
+essentially “all” the source code ever published, including version
+control history.  Its archive already periodically ingests release
+tarballs from the GNU servers, repositories from GitHub, packages from
+PyPI, and much more.
+![Software Heritage 
+We quickly settled on a scheme where Guix would fall back to the
+Software Heritage archive whenever it fails to download source code from
+its original location.  That way, package definitions don’t need to be
+modified: they still refer to the original source code URL, but the
+downloading machinery transparently goes to Software Heritage when
+There are two types of source code downloads in Guix: tarball downloads,
+and version control checkouts.  In the former case, resorting to
+Software Heritage is easy: Guix knows the SHA256 hash of the tarball so
+it can look it up by hash using [the `/content` endpoint of the
+Fetching version control checkouts is more involved.  In this case, the
+downloader would first resolve the commit identifier to obtain a
+[Software Heritage
+revision](  The
+actual code for that revision is then fetched through the
+The vault conveniently allows users to fetch the tarball corresponding
+to a revision.  However, not all revisions are readily available as
+tarballs (understandably), so the vault has an interface that allows you
+to request the “_cooking_” of a specific revision.  Cooking is
+asynchronous and can take some time.  Currently, if a revision hasn’t
+been cooked yet, the Guix download machinery will request it and wait
+until it is available.  The process can take some time but will
+eventually succeed.
+Success!  At this point, we have essentially bridged the gap between the
+stable archive that Software Heritage provides and the reproducible
+software deployment pipeline of Guix.  This code [was
+integrated]( in November 2018,
+making it the first free software distribution backed by a stable
+# The challenges ahead
+This milestone was encouraging: we had seemingly achieved our goal, but
+we also knew of several shortcomings.  First, even though the software
+we package is still primarily distributed as tarballs, Software Heritage
+keeps relatively few of these tarballs.  Software Heritage does ingest
+tarballs, notably those found on [the GNU
+servers](, but the primary focus is on
+preserving complete version control repositories rather than release
+It is not yet clear to us what to do with plain old tarballs.  On one
+hand, there are here and cannot be ignored.  Furthermore, some provide
+artifacts that are not in version control, such as `configure` scripts,
+and often enough they are accompanied by a cryptographic signature from
+the developers that allows recipients to _authenticate_ the code—an
+important piece of information that’s often missing from version control
+history.  On the other hand, version control tags are increasingly
+becoming the mechanism of choice to distribute software releases.  It
+may be that tags will become the primary mechanism for software release
+distribution soon enough.
+Version control tags turn out not to be ideal either, because they’re
+mutable and per-repository.  Conversely, Git commit identifiers are
+unambiguous and repository-independent because they’re essentially
+content-addressed, but our package definitions often refer to tags, not
+commits, because that makes it clearer that we’re providing an actual
+release and not an arbitrary revision (this is another illustration of
+[Zooko’s triangle]('s_triangle)).
+This leads me to another limitation that stems from the mismatch between
+the way Guix and Software Heritage compute hashes over version control
+checkouts: both compute a hash over a serialized representation of the
+directory, but they serialize the directory in a different way (SWH
+serializes directories as Git trees, while Guix uses “normalized
+archives” or Nars, the format the build daemon manipulates, which is
+inherited from Nix.)  That prevents Guix from looking up revisions by
+content hash.  The solution will probably involve changing Guix to
+support the same method as Software Heritage, and/or adding Guix’ method
+to Software Heritage.
+Having to wait for “cooking” completion can also be problematic.  The
+Software Heritage team is investigating the possibility to
+[automatically cook all version control
+tags](  That way, relevant
+revisions would almost always be readily available through the vault.
+Similarly, we have no guarantee that software provided by Guix is
+available in the archive.  Our plan is to [extend Software
+Heritage]( such that it would
+periodically archive the source code of software packaged by Guix.
+# Going further
+In the process of adding support for Software Heritage, Guix [gained
+Guile bindings to the Software Heritage HTTP
+interface](  Here’s a couple of
+things we can do:
+(use-modules (guix swh))
+;; Check whether SWH has ever crawled our repository.
+(define o (lookup-origin "";))
+⇒ #<<origin> id: 86312956 …>
+;; It did! When was its last visit?
+(define last-visit
+  (first (origin-visits o)))
+(date->string (visit-date last-visit))
+⇒ "Fri Mar 29 10:07:45Z 2019"
+;; Does it have our “v0.15.0” Git tag?
+(lookup-origin-revision ""; "v0.15.0")
+⇒ #<<revision> id: "359fdda40f754bbf1b5dc261e7427b75463b59be" …>
+Guix itself is a Guile library so when we combine the two, there are
+interesting things we can do:
+(use-modules (guix) (guix swh)
+                        (gnu packages base)
+                        (gnu packages golang))
+;; This is our GNU Coreutils package.
+⇒ #<package address@hidden gnu/packages/base.scm:342 1c67b40>
+;; Does SWH have its tarball?
+(lookup-content (origin-sha256 (package-source coreutils))
+                               "sha256")
+⇒ #<<content> checksums: (("sha1" …)) data-url: …>
+;; Our package for HashiCorp’s Configuration Language (HCL) is
+;; built from a Git commit.
+(define commit
+  (git-reference-commit
+       (origin-uri (package-source go-github-com-hashicorp-hcl))))
+;; Is this particular commit available in the archive?
+(lookup-revision commit)
+⇒ #<<revision> id: "23c074d0eceb2b8a5bfdbb271ab780cde70f05a8" …>
+We’re currently using a subset of this interface, but there’s certainly
+more we could do.  For example, we can compute archive coverage of the
+Guix packages; we can also request the archival of each package’s source
+code _via_ the [“save code”
+all this is subject to [rate
+# Wrap-up
+Software Heritage support in Guix creates a bridge from the stable
+source code archive to reproducible software deployment with complete
+provenance tracking.  For the first time it gives us a software package
+distribution that can be rebuilt months or years later.  This is
+particularly beneficial in the context of reproducible science: finally
+we can describe reproducible software environments, a prerequisite for
+reproducible computational experiments.
+Going further, we can provide a complete software supply tool chain with
+provenance tracking that links revisions in the archive to
+bit-reproducible build artifacts produced by Guix.  Oh and Guix itself
+so we have this meta-level where we could link Guix revisions to the
+revisions of packages it provides…  There are still technical challenges
+to overcome, but that vision is shaping up.
+#### About GNU Guix
+[GNU Guix]( is a transactional package
+manager and an advanced distribution of the GNU system that [respects
+Guix can be used on top of any system running the kernel Linux, or it
+can be used as a standalone operating system distribution for i686,
+x86_64, ARMv7, and AArch64 machines.
+In addition to standard package management features, Guix supports
+transactional upgrades and roll-backs, unprivileged package management,
+per-user profiles, and garbage collection.  When used as a standalone
+GNU/Linux distribution, Guix offers a declarative, stateless approach to
+operating system configuration management.  Guix is highly customizable
+and hackable through [Guile](
+programming interfaces and extensions to the
+[Scheme]( language.
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