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Re: [PATCH] gnu: emacs: Add more inputs: giflib, libice, libsm, alsa-lib

From: Ludovic Courtès
Subject: Re: [PATCH] gnu: emacs: Add more inputs: giflib, libice, libsm, alsa-lib
Date: Fri, 21 Feb 2014 18:50:29 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.130007 (Ma Gnus v0.7) Emacs/24.3 (gnu/linux)

Mark H Weaver <address@hidden> skribis:

> address@hidden (Ludovic Courtès) writes:
>> Out of curiosity, what does it do with ALSA?
> Emacs has the ability to play sounds internally.  See
> 'play-sound-internal' and 'play-sound'.  I guess it's mostly
> useful for very short sounds like beeps and alerts, where it's
> good to minimize the delay before the playing begins.

Wonderful.  :-)


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