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Re: Guix on other distros: Gentoo. [You run Gentoo? Please help testing.

From: ng0
Subject: Re: Guix on other distros: Gentoo. [You run Gentoo? Please help testing.]
Date: Fri, 05 Aug 2016 19:02:14 +0000

Leo Famulari <address@hidden> writes:

> On Thu, Aug 04, 2016 at 10:01:39PM +0000, ng0 wrote:
>> TL;DR: Guix on Gentoo, need testers with moar isolated Gentoo
>> VMs/systems. Don't blame me when it breaks your precious system, I said
>> I needed testers.
>> Hi,
>> Since Gentoo upstream decided to finally solve their very old #355355
>> bug on ~20:00 UTC today, I take this opportunity to clean our Gentoo
>> overlay from ebuilds we needed for guix so far and ask for potential
>> testers.
>> For people interested in debugging and participation:
>> Guix is now available from within Gentoo for a while already, as a
>> development (request for debugging help) package. With the inclusion of
>> our collaborative overlay in Gentoo's in/official list of overlays,
>> Guix on Gentoo is only 2 commands away in Gentoo and Gentoo
>> based systems:
>>   layman -a youbroketheinternet
>>   emerge --ask sys-apps/guix
>> When you torsocks/torify this or all your connections go through tor,
>> it should pick up one of 2 onionland instances this is available on,
>> else it falls back to .is and .org
>> It's not 100% finished yet (openrc service is not fully functional),
>> please read the included file in the overlay.
>> The overlay is also accessible from direct git checkouts, read the page
>> on keyword search for Overlay youbroketheinternet or
>> visit or
>> [section: CODE].
> Thanks for leading this work! I don't have Gentoo experience, so I can't
> offer much help, but I'm glad to see this being done.

I probably should've asked for help here earlier, the first commit of
guix in the overlay was probably some time back in january, but only now
you do no longer require the workarounds for outdated guile on gentoo we
had, so less annoyance if you don't run many test VMs.

The disfunctional thing currently is:

guixbuilder01 ... guixbuilder10 get created and added to guixbuild

Post-setup I let root authorize hydra's pubkey, then I run
`rc-service start guix' which sadly makes the terminal unusable if you
don't append "&".

running guix pull then as root downloads happen, but as soon as builder
should start, it fails:

shikahr ~ # guix pull

Starting download of /tmp/guix-file.RpedfI
 ….tar.gz                                   1.1MiB/s 00:10 | 10.3MiB
 substitute: updating list of substitutes from
 ''... 100.0%
 The following derivations will be built:
  building path(s)
    guix pull: error: build failed: the build users group
          `guixbuild' has no members
          shikahr ~ # id -nG guixbuilder01
          shikahr ~ # id -nG guixbuilder1
          id: guixbuilder1: no such user

I know the openrc service is total crap because if you don't kill every
instance of guix-daemon before shutdown/reboot, you have almost 30
minutes delay.
OpenRC services are not my favorit thing to write, but it should just

Also strange enough a sequence from 1 - 10 in ebuild creates users 01 -

# Copyright 2016 the youbroketheinternet-overlay team
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 or later

description="The GNU Guix Daemon"

depend() {
        need net

#SUID_ROOT_HELPERS="guix guix-daemon"
#chmodown_execbin() {
#       if [ -x $1 ]; then
#               if [ "$3" ]; then
#                       chown $3 $1 2>/dev/null && chmod $2 $1
#               else
#                       chmod $2 $1
#               fi
#       fi
#checkconfig() {
#       for helper in $SUID_ROOT_HELPERS; do
#               chmodown_execbin ${libexec}

start() {
        checkpath -d -m 0755 -o :guixbuild /var/run/guix
        ebegin "Starting Guix"
        start-stop-daemon --start --pidfile "${PIDFILE}" --quiet --exec 
/usr/bin/guix-daemon -- --build-users-group=guixbuild 
--listen=/var/lib/guix/daemon-socket/socket > /dev/null 2>&1
        eend $?

#start() {
#       local piddir=$(dirname ${PIDFILE})
#       if [ ! -d ${piddir} ] ; then
#               ebegin "Making ${piddir}"
#               eend $?
#               ebegin "Changing permissions of ${piddir}"
#               chown :guixbuild ${piddir}
#               eend $?
#       fi
#       ebegin "Starting ${SVCNAME}"
#       start-stop-daemon --start --name guix-daemon --pidfile ${PIDFILE} \
#               --exec /usr/bin/guix-daemon -- --debug 
#       eend $?

stop() {
           ebegin "Stopping Guix"
           start-stop-daemon --stop --pidfile "${PIDFILE}" --exec 
           #start-stop-daemon --stop --signal QUIT --pidfile "${PIDFILE}"
           sleep 1
           #killall guix-daemon
           #sleep 1
           eend $?

#stop() {
#       ebegin "Stopping ${SVCNAME}"
#       start-stop-daemon --stop --signal QUIT --pidfile ${PIDFILE}
#       sleep 1
#       killall guix-daemon
#       sleep 1
#       eend $?

#Description=Build daemon for GNU Guix
#ExecStart=/usr/bin/guix-daemon --build-users-group=guixbuild

♥Ⓐ  ng0
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