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Re: Browsing Guix (or any) lists with Gmane

From: Adonay Felipe Nogueira
Subject: Re: Browsing Guix (or any) lists with Gmane
Date: Sun, 08 Oct 2017 12:04:52 -0300
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/25.2 (gnu/linux)


I wonder if this can be combined with the current Namazu instance? I ask
because we also have Namazu which allows searching, and which I think is
also provided by the provider who hosts this mailing list.

Maxim Cournoyer <address@hidden> writes:

> Hello Guix!
> For Guix and Gnus (or to become) users out there, I thought I'd share
> this brief post where I explained the process of setting up Gnus and Gmane.
> Here are some benefits:
> 1. No need to locally store emails; just view them over NNTP.
> 2. Easily subscribe to some lists in Gnus without having to go through
> the mailman registration.
> 3. Much nicer/convenient UI than the web archives pages; you can post
> follow-ups directly.
> 4. Rich collection of some 30000+ mailing list archives.
> The main drawback I've found so far is that server-side search facility
> doesn't seem to be available yet in the new Gmane. Still, it's not too
> long to load the full list of messages ever post to a list and use Emacs
> or Gnus native features to search/sort.
> Here's the full original post: 
> From: Maxim Cournoyer <address@hidden>
> Subject: Gmane with Gnus first timer
> Newsgroups: gmane.emacs.gnus.user
> To: address@hidden
> Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2017 11:12:38 -0400 (4 days, 59 minutes, 13 seconds ago)
> Hello Gnusers!
> I've started experimenting with Gmane[1], and it seems very useful at
> easily navigating archived mailing lists!
> I thought I'd share some of the details for NNTP neophytes like me; I
> had the good fortune to be helped on the IRC #gnus channel by
> sixbitslacker, who shared important bits of their config as well as
> the Gmane's X.509 certificate necessary for proper TLS authentication.
> * Gnus configuration
> The first thing I did was adding a select method to my Gnus
> configuration. I already had a `gnus-select-method' defined with my
> email server, so I used `gnus-secondary-select-methods' for Gmane:
> ;; To be put in your ~/.gnus.el or similar.
> (setq gnus-secondary-select-methods
>  '((nntp "gmane"
>          (nntp-address ""))))
> * Gmane TLS certificate
> I then started Gnus. I was greeted with a warning that said:
> Certificate information
> Issued by:  
> Issued to:            Gmane
> Hostname:   
> Public key:           RSA, signature: RSA-SHA1
> Protocol:             TLS1.2, key: RSA, cipher: AES-256-GCM, mac: AEAD
> Security level:       Low
> Valid:                From 2015-01-13 to 2018-01-12
> The TLS connection to is insecure for the
> following reasons:
> certificate signer was not found (self-signed)
> certificate was signed with an insecure algorithm
> the certificate was signed by an unknown and therefore unstrusted authority
> certificate could not be verified
> While we can't do anything about the weak SHA1 signature, we can at
> least fix the other warnings by trusting the self-signed certificate
> that Gmane is using.
> To do so, we must first retrieve the X.509 certificate that Gmane
> uses. The OpenSSL package provides a mean to do so (credits to
> sixbitslacker):
> openssl s_client -starttls smtp -connect
> Amongst the output you should find the server certificate, which is:
> A1UEAxMObmV3cy5nbWFuZS5vcmcwHhcNMTUwMTEzMjExMzQ2WhcNMTgwMTEyMjEx
> qzPBEaInGUqX0IJX2pGVMKTGOmy+Sz0aJYcKQJdJ1Zq9LAtUOk7gflxX4z4wrcng
> 9bRz1z8D3/KJFyTrELZyEC8DkKEwbO4LxO3QrfxNXOkpuVZ0eUlP/AwVGN9D+QID
> BQADgYEAQgcrfK9IN7DfqIGVwuhHZRBskbcTyD0oh11zUrr1s44sEq4pWT/ht42C
> Cpn4g+mCCOLewLT+MAHxs7Acxbkxd+lQyRVWknVLHNQL48dUrQX9QCEZVcLHcZmL
> Save this file somewhere, say, to "~/.gnutls/gmane.pem". Now we must
> configure Emacs to trust this certificate. One easy way is to add this
> line to your ~/.emacs file:
> (add-to-list 'gnutls-trustfile "~/.gnutls/gmane.pem")
> Another other options to make it globally trusted would be to place the
> file under /etc/
> Eval this line (C-M-x or C-x C-e on that s-exp) and restart Gnus. The
> only remaining warning should be the one about the weak SHA1 signature:
> When I did, Emacs still complained that the server was deemed insecure
> because the "certificate signer was not found (self-signed)". I am not
> sure why it persists warning me about a self-signed certificate after
> I've explicitly given it my trust, nor do I know why the weak SHA1 issue
> is not raised anymore... But anyway, I consider our due diligence done,
> so at this point you may choose "Always" when presented the security
> prompt.
> * Browsing lists with Gmane
> You should now be in the plain old *Group* buffer, with nothing new in
> it. To actually navigate the mailing lists archived by Gmane, you may
> press the '^' key to show a list of the known servers. It should contain
> an entry for the newly added news server, such as:
> {nntp:gmane} (opened)
> Finally, by clicking (on typing RET) on that gmane entry, you should now
> have access to a huge collection of archived mailing lists (31682 at the
> time of writing), which can be comfortably browsed in a Gnusy way. You
> can also subscribe using 'u', to show some of these in your *Group*
> buffer.
> * Posting to a Gmane
> Instead of sending an email with 'm', you can now send an article (the
> equivalent in the world of news) with the 'a' key. This long text is my
> first attempt at doing so; if you received it, it's because it worked!
> Happy hacking,
> Maxim
> [1]
> After you're all set with Gmane you can view and reply to the original
> post at gmane.emacs.gnus.user.
> I hope this can be useful to someone!
> Maxim

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