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[Heartlogic-dev] mailing list minutea

From: William L. Jarrold
Subject: [Heartlogic-dev] mailing list minutea
Date: Wed, 11 May 2005 01:25:20 -0500 (CDT)

I went to the open source homepage for our work, i.e....


...I found a clickable item there labeled like so...

Project Memberlist (2 members)

...you'd think that this would be the list of people on the mailing
list, right???,

Wrong.  Nooooooooo, after too much digging I have discovered it is
something else.  Not sure exactly what privelegs are confered to
members but, Josh or Peter, if you wanna be "members" be my guest.

To see who is on the list one has to be "list administrator."  Nowhere
was I able to find a clear explicit indication of who plays this role.
But I did find this sentence...

"Heartlogic-dev list run by jpritikin at pobox.com"

...hidden away at the bottom of a web page.  Perhaps that means Joshua
is the "list administrator??

Why should things be clear?  We all have loads of time to spend
groking yet another UI, don't we??

Okay okay sorry for the whining but Joshua do you know offhand (not
important enough to dig through documentation) if we can change some
of this confusing text?

Also, Joshua, it is not posssible to have multiple list administrators
is it?  Actually, what I am more interested in than list admin
priveleges is getting an email whenever someone joins or leaves the
list.  Is that possible?


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