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[Hegemonie-devel] scrub

From: Essie Everett
Subject: [Hegemonie-devel] scrub
Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2006 13:44:21 +0200

The door was a heavy thing, and it was securely locked. Were chasingCranmer and dare not lose a moment. He lowered his voice still further, and, leaning forward, spoke inher ear.
The silent room with its eerie green light had the effect ofchecking Nantys new ardour.
But ayont Lynn he has the wind o ye, and has the choice o a dozenways. He stooped, poked in the basket, and felt the bandaged leg. Nanty waited till the oak grove was in deep dusk before he enteredit. He had no weapon, noteven a pocket-knife, with which he could assault door or window. Im in the dark, but maybe Bob Muschats no.
On her head was a littletricorne hat, which might have been coquettish, had it not beenpathetic. At the recollection the womans voicetrailed off into tears.
He heardflint struck upon steel, and a candle flared up. Her eyes opened as if she were hearing voices in a dream. Damme, she must be a good woman, and I defy any man to deny it.
Theres ten guineas in Johns pocketif he can fill the bill, beside a handsome price for the hire. Ifthey havena, weel, the Almightys no kind to us.
Ye maunna pass Lynn, sir, till yeve seen huzand Bob. I reckon twas the fastestturn-out in Jacks hands between here and Norwich. Im for forty winks, for God knows when Imay get sleep again.
Not for one moment could heeavesdrop on this tragic figure. Cautiously he moved his head, and found that the action did notgreatly pain him. Thespaniel got to his feet and lifted the wounded paw. In the drawer of the book-case were plans and maps, which at firstsight seemed innocent enough.
The thoughtmaddened him, for here was the day of the crisis, and he was ahelpless log.

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