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Re: Not getting parse error

From: Hans Aberg
Subject: Re: Not getting parse error
Date: Tue, 5 Feb 2002 00:21:51 +0100

At 10:53 -0700 2002/02/04, Rich Yonts wrote:
>I was expecting that the invalid token (.) would cause an error since it
>doesn't fit in with my grammar at all.
>Let me give you the whole grammar:
>%left OR
>%left AND
>Query :
>    Conditional ',' FieldList {
>          return(0);
>      } |
>    FieldList {
>          return(0);
>      }

You wrote before:
>Reading a token: Next token is 259 (FIELD)
>Shifting token 259 (FIELD), Entering state 22
>Reducing via rule 9 (line 44), FieldList ',' FIELD
>state stack now 0
>Entering state 6
>Reading a token: Next token is 46 ($undefined.)
>Reducing via rule 2 (line 26), FieldList  -> Query
and both I and Akim asked to see the rest.

-- It helps if you supply the things asked for. But:

As I said, LALR(1) may apply some additional reductions, but no more
shifts, before an error is issued. There is always one token to shift, the
implicit endmarker called "$" in yytname[] in the .tab.c file, unless one
aborts the parser.

Now, the "return 0" you have is the same as "abort with a success value".
So mu guess is that when the Bison generated parser reduces the rule Query
-> FieldList it aborts, exactly as you have written. -- If you would have
submitted the information requested, one would have been able to verify
this, but now you should be able to do it yourself.

Change the grammar to
    Conditional ',' FieldList {}
  | FieldList {}
to see if it helps.

>FieldList :
>    FIELD ',' FieldList {} |
>    FIELD {}

Also note that as the Bison generated parser reduces to the right, it is
better to write
    FieldList ',' FIELD {}
  | FIELD {}
as the parse stack then does not built up. See the Bison manual for more
about this.

  Hans Aberg

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