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From: Hans Aberg
Subject: Re: 3DLDF
Date: Sat, 14 Aug 2004 00:13:54 +0200

At 00:25 +0200 2004/08/13, Laurence Finston wrote:
>It's not that simple.  You can check the parser code in the CVS archive at
>Savannah if you want to see the syntax of `point expressions':
>The parser code is in files with names of the pattern `p*.w', e.g.,
>`parser.w', `pldfdcl.w', etc.  `point_expressions' are in

It is hard for me to see how you get the C++ classes from that. -- I
suppose you run it through CWEB. The main point though, if you get a
polymorphic hierarchy.

>> (But I am not sure how your C++ code produces an output.)
>Keep reading the manual and all will be revealed---well, almost all.  For the
>full story, you'd have to look at _3DLDF: The Program_.

This manual is simply too large and unstructured for me to be able to
extract any such information: For example, the TOC says that "Outputting"
is on page 881, but the PDF file only has 539 pages. :-)

Don't you have a how-to-doit section, showing how to create a graph and
output it.

My guess is though that one can use the fixed C++ code you have created to
dynamically create a graphical object, apply some transformations, and then
write that object out. Right? If so, it is merely the question of making a
grammar of ones choice, with actions that create those objects. When an
object, some language command will write it to a file.

  Hans Aberg

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