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Re: Parser base class (lalr1)

From: Hans Aberg
Subject: Re: Parser base class (lalr1)
Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2005 19:02:31 +0200

On 28 Sep 2005, at 14:37, Jan Nabbefeld wrote:

 > about the possibelity off defining a base class for the generated
 > yy::parser in lalr1 skeleton. Further I noticed that this was
 > removed from the lalr1 skeleton on December 2004.
That is right, it seemed to cause more problems than provide
solutions. Do you have a concrete example where this would be useful?
Would you also want to derive from it?

A piece of the parser file:
/* ... */
cd_list: /* empty */ {$$=0;}
    | cd_list cd { $$ = NRec(token, _CD_LIST, $1, $2, _CD); }

cd: opt_final class_definition ';'
  { $$ = NLift(token, _CD, $1, $2, _OPT_FINAL, _CLASS_DEFINITION); }

opt_final: /* empty */  {$$=0;}
    | FINAL { $$=NNew(token); $$->type=FINAL; }
/* ... */

I would love to have NNew(), NLift() and NRec() as parser methods (for building AST). Also the initial AST node would be a usefull class attribute in parser. Unfortunately I'm bound by the BNF rules shown above. So changes can only be made on the surrounding code.

I use a C++ polymorphic hierarchy, with a reference count at the base, in order to avoid unnecessary copying.

This approach has also the advantage of making use of C++ cleanup

The code above then becomes:

cd_list: /* empty */ {$$=0;}
    | cd_list cd { $$ = new NRec(token, _CD_LIST, $1, $2, _CD); }

cd: opt_final class_definition ';'
{ $$ = new NLift(token, _CD, $1, $2, _OPT_FINAL, _CLASS_DEFINITION); }

opt_final: /* empty */  {$$=0;}
    | FINAL { $$ = new NNew(token); $$->type=FINAL; }

Parent class of generated yy::parser:
class parserBase:
    parserBase(const Param& p) :
      lexer (new FlexLexer ()),
      token (new TokenType ()),
      ast (0)
    tree * ast;
    tree * NNew(tokenType *);

If you use only a pointer here (tree *), you must do cleuo by hand plus using %destructor during error recovery.

I have found, though that in addition to the semantic values that the parser builds, I need alos to make use of token type as well its name. Possibly, this should be put into a special area in the parser stack, even though it is easy to put it into the semantic stack.

I know skeleton is experimantal and not supported so I don't complain about that. Would be nice to have the possibility again without customize the skeleton.

When Akim has finished the writing of %define, customizing will be easy.

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