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About %destructor is c++ mode

From: Min Wang
Subject: About %destructor is c++ mode
Date: Wed, 17 Aug 2016 19:20:34 -0400


I guess I have some confusions/misunderstanding on  how to use %destructor
 in bision 3.0.4


No %destructor is needed to enable memory deallocation during error
recovery; the memory, for strings for instance, will be reclaimed by the
regular destructor.

so if I have something like that ( pointer) in as token type:

%type <PROG*> PROG

%type <ListExp*> ListExp

My thinking about using PROG* instead of PROG is because I do not want to
copy constructor a big PROG, is it correct?

In this case of pointer, do I need to have a %destructor?

%destructor { delete $$; } PROG
%destructor {  delete $$; } ListExp

(2) when %destructor  is called?

Assuming I need those %destructor, it seems that %destructor was called
even for a every  successful parse. I thought it should only called during
During error recovery.

some C++ code:

using Exp_PTR = std::unique_ptr<Exp>;

class Elor : public Exp



  Exp_PTR exp_1;

  Exp_PTR exp_2;

  // use unique_ptr to take the ownership of the raw pointer from bison
  Elor(Exp *p1, Exp *p2): exp_1( p1 ), exp_2 ( p2 ) {}

  ~Elor() {}

// real one here

using ListExp_PTR = std::unique_ptr<ListExp>;

class Json_Filter : public PROG



  ListExp_PTR listexp_;

  Json_Filter(ListExp *p1) : listexp_( p1 ) {}

  ~Json_Filter() {}
class ListExp : public Visitable, public std::vector<Exp_PTR>



bison.yy file:

%define api.value.type variant
%define api.token.constructor
%type <PROG*> PROG

%type <ListExp*> ListExp

%type <Exp*> Exp

%type <Exp*> Exp1


%destructor { std::cout << " I am PROG \n " << $$; /*delete $$;*/ } PROG

%destructor { std::cout << " I am listexp \n" << $$; /* delete $$; */ }

%start PROG;

PROG : ListExp                    {
                                              std::reverse( $1->begin(),
$1->end() );
                                              // store the result to
                                              driver.store_ast( new
Json_Filter($1) );


ListExp : Exp                        {  $$ = new ListExp();
std::move(Exp_PTR($1)) );

  | Exp _SYMB_SEMICOLON ListExp             { $3->push_back(
std::move(Exp_PTR($1)) );
                                              $$ = $3 ;


  | /* empty */                             {  $$ = new ListExp();

Exp : Exp _SYMB_OR Exp1                     {  $$ = new Elor($1, $3)  ;
  | Exp1                                    {  $$ = $1;           }



so if I comment out the destrcutor: /* delete $$ */, I can ran the parser
OK, and it can been seen that even for a successful paring, theose
%destrcutor are called.

If I uncomment out the delete $$, I will get the segment fault, why?  I
thought it should only called during During error recovery not for
the successful parsing.



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