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Copying files from a server to a centralized area.

From: Russell Conner
Subject: Copying files from a server to a centralized area.
Date: Tue, 16 Nov 2004 11:32:25 -0800 (PST)

I searched for this and I am unable to find a reference for this.
I am trying to send files to a central location, a repository server, I would perfer that it not be an NFS copy, or a scripted copy (ie " scp /etc/somefile repohost:/hosts/$(host)/etc/somefile " ) but rather use the copy facility.
But it seems to only pull files, is there a switch that makes it push files?
My second option was run a special class on the repository that pulled files from everwhere, but I really dont like this, and I had some problems. I tried something like this:
host_list = ( host1 host2 )
and then
 /etc/test.file dest=/hosts/ALL/$(host_list)/etc/test.file server=repohost
part of this would be to auto create the required directory stucture, say if I added /var/apache/conf/httpd.conf to the copy list to the repository server.
Thank you in advance

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