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RE: [h-e-w] Bash with emacs's shell

From: Sprenger, Karel
Subject: RE: [h-e-w] Bash with emacs's shell
Date: Thu, 29 Nov 2001 22:17:43 +0100

Hi Peter,

You're right.  I noticed it when I started emacs from explorer.  It's
funny that when starting it from a bash shell it worked as "advertised".
Anyway, I changed the relevant code to:

;; Specific adjustments when running under Windows NT
(cond ((eq system-type 'windows-nt)
       ;; Load and activate cygwin-mount
       (require 'cygwin-mount)
       ;; Fix process-coding-system-alist
       (setq process-coding-system-alist
             (cons '("bash" . (raw-text-unix . raw-text-unix))
       ;; Add proc-filter-shell-output-filter to get rid of ^M in shells
       (require 'proc-filters)
       (add-hook 'comint-output-filter-functions
       ;; Set quote character to use
       (setq w32-quote-process-args ?\")))

Noah Friedman <address@hidden> wrote the proc-filters.el package
that contains "some generally useful process filters".  It can be found
This setup really works for me now, even with (set-language-environment
"Latin-1") in my .emacs file.


-----Original Message-----
From: Peter Fraser [mailto:address@hidden
Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2001 21:47
To: Sprenger, Karel
Subject: RE: [h-e-w] Bash with emacs's shell

With your believe bash will work I did some more tracking
here is the incantation to cause the problem
If your .emacs consists of just the following

(setq load-path (append load-path  (list "c:/unsaved/emacs/lisp")))
(cond ((eq system-type 'windows-nt)
       (require 'cygwin-mount)
(setq explicit-shell-file-name "bash.exe")

;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom -- don't edit or cut/paste
 ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
 '(current-language-environment "Latin-1")

Emac's shell will not work.

I also sent a message to address@hidden

-----Original Message-----
From: Sprenger, Karel [mailto:address@hidden
Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2001 2:48 PM
To: Peter Fraser; address@hidden
Subject: RE: [h-e-w] Bash with emacs's shell


Just tried out ntemacs 21.1 and discovered that the passage could be
trimmed down to the following:

You can get a version of bash with the Cygnus tools at To use bash with Emacs, place the
following in your startup file:

;; Load and activate cygwin-mount
(cond ((eq system-type 'windows-nt)
       (require 'cygwin-mount)

The package cygwin32-mount.el
( teaches Emacs about
cygwin32 mount points.

For emacs 21.1 that's all you need. For earlier versions you might want
to read the following references.

Richard M. Heiberger's <address@hidden> setup for Cygnus

For more configuration information with bash, take a look at Jonathan
Payne's <address@hidden> setup.


-----Original Message-----
From: Peter Fraser [mailto:address@hidden
Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2001 17:06
To: 'address@hidden'
Subject: [h-e-w] Bash with emacs's shell

With "GNU Emacs 21.1.1 (i386-msvc-nt5.1.2600) of 2001-10-22 on buffy"
The incantations described
No longer seems to work.

Peter J Fraser  519 895 1860 x201
Thinkage                519 895 1864 fax
85 McIntyre Dr
On N2R 1H6

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