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Re: Help! Need to display shorter paths in emacs using gtags-mode...

From: Marco Gidde
Subject: Re: Help! Need to display shorter paths in emacs using gtags-mode...
Date: Sat, 18 Mar 2006 00:21:41 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.1006 (Gnus v5.10.6) Emacs/21.3 (gnu/linux)


thank you for your interest in this package and special thanks for
maintaining GLOBAL.

Shigio Yamaguchi <address@hidden> writes:

>> my opinion superior to gtags.el I took gtags.el and rewrote it almost
>> completely. If you are (or anybody else here is) interested in testing
>> it, I might send the resulting xgtags.el either as a private email or
>> maybe directly to this list.
> It's great.
> If you send it to this list, it will become great help for GLOBAL users.
> If you upload the file to somewhere like,
> I want to link the site from GLOBAL's home page.

since I still have to decide where to make the package available on
the net, as a first step I send it to this list, so that emacs/global
users can play with it and maybe give me some responses whether it's
useful or what should be changed.

Some short advice:

- add the package to some place where emacs can find it, if necessary
  add your path to the load-path variable
- add (require 'xgtags) to .emacs
- toggle the minor mode with the interactive command xgtags-mode
- to turn it on for all c-sources add something like 
        (add-hook 'c-mode-common-hook
                  (lambda ()
                     (xgtags-mode 1)))
  to .emacs; other (programming) modes provide similar hooks
- per default the bindings for M-. and M-* are overwritten by xgtags;
  some more bindings are provided with the prefix C-c w and can be
  viewed with describe-mode when xgtags-mode is on, or with
  describe-function xgtags-mode
- part of xgtags behavior can be customized; especially several things
  that I disliked with gtags.el can be turned of ;-)
- have fun :-)

I hope the default configuration will work, since I do not use xgtags
that way. I'm especially uncertain about the rootdir stuff. So if
there are any questions and/or problems, just contact me I will try to
give the necessary information or fix the bugs.



Attachment: xgtags.el
Description: xgtags.el

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