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Re: Gnats 4.0 beta issue

From: Milan Zamazal
Subject: Re: Gnats 4.0 beta issue
Date: 04 Aug 2002 12:48:22 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.2.90

>>>>> "MC" == Mostaque Choudhury <address@hidden> writes:

    MC> Hi, I have installed Gnats-4.0 beta version and currently having
    MC> a problem with configuring Gnats to pick up the person
    MC> responsible for a bug when creating a PR against a category for
    MC> which this person has overall responsibility.  Gnats seems to
    MC> defualt the responsible field to the first entry in the
    MC> responsible file in the gnats-adm directory. is this a bug?....
    MC> I realise the way round this is to add in "Responsible" at the
    MC> end of the dbconfig file, but this defeats the object of having
    MC> configured the responsible file and categories file. I am a
    MC> little confussed about this - perhaps you might be able to
    MC> clarify whether this is a bug or the functionality is designed
    MC> in that way.

I'm sorry, but I don't understand what you're exactly trying to do.

Responsible is set from the `responsible' subfield of the `categories'
file and it works for me.  It seems it doesn't work for you, but I don't
know what you mean with "add in Responsible at the end of the dbconfig
file".  Could you please clarify what you are *exactly* doing and what
*exactly* happens / doesn't happen?


Milan Zamazal


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