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Re: setting the font in .emacs

From: Keith O'Connell
Subject: Re: setting the font in .emacs
Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2002 14:59:38 GMT
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.2

>>>>> "kroc" == Keith  <>:
>>>>> "os"   == Oliver Scholz <>:

    os> Yes, you can check for various display capabilities with the
    os> `display-.*-p'-functions. In this case `display-multi-font-p'
    os> would be the appropriate one:

    os> (when (display-multi-font-p) (set-face-font ...))

    kroc> Perfect! Thank you for that :-)

I know I said perfect, but that was a little premature. When the emacs
window is opened it comes up with the face font specified in the
command above, however if you spawn another window with C-x 5 2, it
comes up with the original font.

Having specified a font in .emacs, how can I make the spawned windows
follow this instruction as well?


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