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Re: development

From: Ricardo Anguiano
Subject: Re: development
Date: 06 Dec 2002 13:38:30 -0800
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.2

McClain <> writes:

> Hi ppl,
> I want to develop projects using Emacs as code editor.  So my
> question is, what is the common way developing C/C++ code with
> Emacs, just use c(++)-mode

I mostly rely on the language mode.

> or are there any minor modes which parse your source code and create
> function and type lists? 

Python mode gives a list of classes and members.  Anybody know about a
similar feature for C or C++?  A list of C and C++ functions/types in
the speed bar would be useful.  Cscope ( 
comes close.

> Maybe you've got experience developing with emacs and can recommend
> a certain elisp package or something like this...

I don't know about any elisp packages.  I find these things handy:

     ;; Look and feel customizations.
     ; (emacs) Cursor Display
     (blink-cursor-mode nil)
     (setq cursor-in-non-selected-windows nil) ; remove cursor from
                                               ; non-selected windows
     ; I like lots of color.
     (global-font-lock-mode t)
     (setq font-lock-maximum-decoration t)
     (column-number-mode t)

     ;; ============
     ;; Keybindings.
     (global-set-key "\C-ct" 'my-insert-current-time)
     (global-set-key "\C-cc" 'compile)
     (global-set-key "\C-cg" 'goto-line)
     (global-set-key "\C-cr" 'rename-buffer)
     (global-set-key "\C-cb" 'shell) ; b for bash

     ;; ==========
     ;; Functions.

     ;; current-time
     (defun my-insert-current-time ()
       (insert (current-time-string)))

     ;; ===========
     ; python mode
     (setq auto-mode-alist
           (cons '("\\.py$" . python-mode) auto-mode-alist))
     (setq interpreter-mode-alist
           (cons '("python" . python-mode)
     (autoload 'python-mode "python-mode" "Python editing mode." t)

     ; cscope in emacs
     (require 'xcscope)
     (define-key global-map [(control f3)]  'cscope-set-initial-directory)
     (define-key global-map [(control f4)]  'cscope-unset-initial-directory)
     (define-key global-map [(control f5)]  'cscope-find-this-symbol)
     (define-key global-map [(control f6)]  'cscope-find-global-definition)
     (define-key global-map [(control f7)]  
     (define-key global-map [(control f8)]  'cscope-pop-mark)
     (define-key global-map [(control f9)]  'cscope-next-symbol)
     (define-key global-map [(control f10)] 'cscope-next-file)
     (define-key global-map [(control f11)] 'cscope-prev-symbol)
     (define-key global-map [(control f12)] 'cscope-prev-file)
     (define-key global-map [(meta f9)]  'cscope-display-buffer)
     (define-key global-map [(meta f10)] 'cscope-display-buffer-toggle)

Ricardo Anguiano

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