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Re: Is Emacs on Aqua crippleware or is it just broken?

From: Rainer Joswig
Subject: Re: Is Emacs on Aqua crippleware or is it just broken?
Date: 8 May 2003 00:50:23 -0700 (BK) wrote in message 

> According to Digitool's web site, MCL currently only runs in Classic
> and V5.0 is only for selected customers cause it's a preview, not an
> official release yet.

Why don't you just do the basic research and go to the Digitool
web site and read it? It says on the front page:

"The beta version of MacOSX native MCL (MCL 5.0) is available for purchase."

Means, you (and everbody else) can buy the beta version and you
(and everybody else) would get the beta version. Yes, the beta
version runs under Mac OS X. Native. Yes, lots of people have it.

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