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Re: FAQ 5.44 leaves still one thing desired for font-lock

From: Tim McNamara
Subject: Re: FAQ 5.44 leaves still one thing desired for font-lock
Date: Sat, 06 Dec 2003 22:41:07 -0600
User-agent: Gnus/5.1002 (Gnus v5.10.2) Emacs/21.3.50 (darwin) (Bhushit Joshipura) writes:

> My [x]emacs on Redhat 9.0 does not syntax highlight automatically. I
> tried Emacs FAQ and found a suggestion to add this line to my
> .emacs.
> (global-font-lock-mode 1)
> This solution is however incomplete in my case. I still need to go
> to options -> syntax highlighting -> In this buffer and select it.
> What is the way to do this too automatically?
> And to end all these questions, is there a .emacs or .xemacs
> generator? It may let me select or deselect all options for a
> standard [x]emacs - backspace / delete, keymaps, syntax
> highlighting, ... and dump .emacs or .xemacs ?

If you're using an X11 based system, have you tried Options ->
Customize Emacs (at least it's there in GNU Emacs, I've never tried
Xemacs).  That might allow you do do some of these things without
having to write Lisp in your .emacs by hand.

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