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Re: Running Emacs from a USB drive

From: poti
Subject: Re: Running Emacs from a USB drive
Date: Fri, 11 May 2007 02:35:31 -0400
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.13 (2006-08-11)

>thorne wrote:

> Hello all.  If i want to run my own Emacs on various random MS-Windows
> machines, is it as simple as unpacking a Windows binary distribution
> onto a USB drive or iPod or whatever, and maybe making a site-start.el
> to grok the current drive letter and set that as the home directory?
I do this on the zero-config DVD I have made for TeX Live. Have a look 
at the tex-live.el file at
I use 
(setq DVD (substring invocation-directory 0 (- (string-match "Emacs" 
invocation-directory) 1)))
to get the letter, and go from there. In my approach, the DVD, or MO
drive, or iPod, can be used on any machine, not just any Windows
machine (in principle, I am still working on some space issues and MacOS
X). On a DVD, you can use an autorun.inf file. On other media, I used a
shortcut to Emacs/bin/runemacs.exe .

This is my first post to this list, so sorry for not threading and 
quoting properly.

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