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Re: lots of information in Modeline

From: A.Politz
Subject: Re: lots of information in Modeline
Date: Tue, 04 May 2010 15:42:20 -0000
User-agent: G2/1.0

On Mar 10, 9:50 am, Kiwon Um <> wrote:
> Dear emacs users:
> Sometimes, the text on modeline are too long so they are truncated.
> Since some text contains important information like new message in
> gnus, I'm wondering how to show the long text on modeline well.
> The following is a list what I though:
> 1. scrolling modeline
> 2. two-or-more rows' modeline
> Is their any way to do those things or better suggestion?
> Thanks.
> Kiwon Um

1. Since the mode-line can be computed dynamically and updated at
will with a timer, it can be done.  But scrolling column-wise at
a decent rate shure looks ugly.

(setq mode-line-format
      '(:eval (funcall
               (lambda nil
                 (concat (make-string (% (cadr (current-time))
                         "A mode-line that can scroll.")))))

(setq tm (run-with-timer 0 1 'force-mode-line-update))
(cancel-timer tm)

2. Maybe with an overlay, otherwise no.

3. Use a header-line or tool-tips.


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